
5 Qs about swim teems ?

by Guest59473  |  earlier

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ok, i was on a swim teem like 8 years ago and now that im in hs im gana rejoin one ill probly be the only boy along with to other girls its a very smal teem , back when i did it befor i wore the brief stail, is that coman still? i think i like them better than the other ones, ohhh and in hs lev do guys were anything underneth it? and my last q is how much of my body hair do i need to shave? im ok with waxing and shaving all of it if ned be. kk srry about my spelling its lrealy l8 at night here .




  1. ya man if your team is small you should definitly join. Briefs depend on the school budget, since the team is small, you might get a jammer, but i wouldnt keep your hopes up. Im on a team with 25 boys and we have to wear briefs. If you wore underwear underneath a speedo it would be awful, you would look weird, it would be uncomfortable, and it would defeat wearing a speedo in the first place. You dont need to shave anything at all, unless you make it to champs, then you shave it right before.  

  2. The majority of guys wear jammers, the speedos with legging, but like they say, if you've got in flaunt it... a girl doesn't mind if the guy can pull of the briefs.... and you dont put anything underneath.. that would just look odd.... and no you dont need to shave anything, unless you are like Michael Phelps fast :) Good luck with everything

  3. I was on swim team for a year in high school and:

    1) The brief style is not as common as it was, most guys had jammers (the ones with legs), but other guys had speedos too so it didn't really matter.

    2) No, you don't wear anything underneath it, that would look ridiculous.

    3) You only need to shave if you make it to like state or something. Your coach will tell you if/when it would benefit you to shave.

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