
50th Anniversary?

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It is my parents 50th wedding anniversary soon and myself and siblings would like to do something special. They dont want a big party. Any ideas???




  1. My parents had theirs recently. We held a small dinner party and invited all the original people from their bridal party and we had a replica cake from their wedding made. We also compiled old to latest photos onto a dvd with accompanying music.and played it. The folks loved it! Good Luck!

  2. A cruise perhaps...??

    How about having a banquet style at your home or someone's home that has a bigger house. Have everyone bring a dish. Set it like a wedding round tables, floral centerpieces with candles (make sure its in the evening), music (dj or violinist) while eating. After eating.....have kids willing to perform a dance or other skills, then show photo slide show.

  3. My parents felt the same way! We still gave them a party but kept it small, inviting the people in their wedding party and family. My siblings and I gave our parents a choice for their gift, they could go on a cruise or some luxurious vacation or we could by them a complete new livingroom suite. They choose the livingroom, they picked it out, we painted the room and decorated it for them and it lasted until they passed away. I was glad for there choice, they needed it and would never have spent the money on themselves.

  4. Good day,

    I am working on my parents 50th in 2 years. We (my sister and her family and my self and children w/ their kids) are planning a trip to Hawaii. At this age most of their friends and sibling have past away. We are putting together a photo album and writing down memories. Plan something quite and memorable.. What a wonderful thing 50 years together.... Life is full of wonders....Heres to another 50 years of health and happiness..

  5. I know this may sound silly, but maybe you could all get together and cook some of their favorite foods.  Just having their children there all together sharing some favorite food would be nice.  

    If anything, invite some of their friends over to share in the fun

  6. A 50th anniversary is pretty special. My friend and her siblings just sent their parents to a weekend in Nashville, Tennessee for the Grand Old Opry. Their parents loved it. Plus, they still had an open house when their parents got back.I think you should still have a family dinner and an open house afterwards that allows people to show up anytime during a 3 hour period, so it wouldn't feel so much like a party, but more like people just dropping by.It could just be cake, coffee and punch.You could place your parents picture in the paper with the invitation stating no presents only your presence or a photograph or memory of the last 50 years. My parents didn't live to see their 50th, but if they had of, we would have been celebrating!!!
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