
550 minute AT&T phone cards???

by  |  earlier

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If my husband is calling me from South Korea...... How long will a 550 minute calling card last? I bought it from the military exchange?




  1. 9.16 hours of calling time (9 hrs + 9 minutes)

    Divide 550 minutes by 60 min/hr.

    550/60 = 9.16

    To find out how much you are paying per minute for the calls, divide the cost of the card by minutes purchased:

    For example, if a 300 minute card cost $19.49,

    then calls will cost you:  $19.49/300 = 6.5 cents/min.

    But, we don't know how much you paid for your 550 minutes...

    So, just divide the $cost by 550 to get per/min cost.

    There may be cheaper calling cards around...

  2. 9 hours roughly.

  3. It will last for 550 minutes of phone time....

    to determine the # of hours it's 550/60 its 9.16 hours...thats roughly 9 hours 9 1/2 minutes...

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