
5500.00 for a hooker ?

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If they were so hot why werent they working for Playboy ?

They pay better from what I hear and have benefits




  1. $5500 of what may be the taxpayers money for a hooker who was apparently performing some unspeakably kinky acts.  And dude isn't a senator, he's the governor of NY.

  2. Wow, prices are really going up.

  3. Yeah i thought about the price of the prostitutes he was busted with and the first thing I thought was my wifes in the wrong profession(LOL) I wonder a few things about that,like one,what is his wife angrier at,the thought of him cheating,or the cost it took and the money that could have been used for his family.I'll never understand why people cheat,when the risk is so great and the people it effects is horrible.

  4. Very very sad. for the family. I am sure if he could take it back, he would..I could never hurt my family that way.. But people are just different, I guess. .And too, I never ever could understand

    how a woman could be a prostitute. I just  can't see it. Glad I was  taught to be a lady.My mama would have killed me and she should have.  different stokes for different folks I guess.

  5. Have you seen the cost of living in New York City!!?  That is probably considered cheap by their standards!!  LOL  No just kidding, the thought of all of this is horrible.  Here is a man running on moral issues to clean up his state, has a pretty wife, family, and a really kicking job, and yet he has some deep down mental illness.  I am sure that people in power use prostitutes because then their cheating remains private, and I am sure that included in that $5500 is the promise of him staying completely anonymous.  Plus I would imagine that hookers who are paid that much are much less likely to blackmail him for more money.  An average person he would have an affair with would want more from him.  But other than that I can not imagine any one person being worth that much money for s*x.  I don't care who they are!!  Plus, where do you think that money came from, it came from the taxpayers!!  So all the people in New York who pay states taxes and fees, that money went to pay for a high priced hooker.  Unbelievable!!  It is really sad that this happens regardless of party affiliation.  This man just completely wrecked other peoples lives.  Imagine how devastated his wife is right now.  My heart goes out to his family, and I pray that he realizes just how horribly selfish and stupid he really was.  By the way, I also feel that he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law just as he had prosecuted others for this same offense.

  6. If you're  a multimillionaire that probably isn't to much
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