
5k racing help?

by  |  earlier

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I recently ran a 5k and sucked. I was about 3 minutes slower than my last race. The last race I ran was in Feb. and I got around 20:24. That was the second race I've ever run, and I just ran one and got like 23 somthing! Ive been thru track season already so why did this happen? My pr for the mile was 5:17 and 2 mile was 12:00 so I should do better than this. It was super hot but still...... I'm not out of shape am I? I have been running too.




  1. you were probably just having a bad day

  2. Don't get discouraged there are different reasons for this sometimes courses are not exact. you maybe were off that day or need to change your training a litte. The heat could make a difference also. If it's on the road or trail makes a difference to.

    Good luck enjoy your running!

  3. did u run as much as u did before the other race?

    did u feel like u were going slower or anything

    if u want a really good training program

    follow this program
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