
6 weeks pregnant and very scared!?

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i am 6 weeks pregnant on sunday and am very scared as i have already suffered a miscarriage in april. I had light bleeding last week it was very pale pink and only when i wiped on toilet paper not in my wee, so i went to the Early pregnancy unit and had a scan to confirm that everything was fine but am due to go back next week to check if there is a heartbeat. they also confirmed that my cervix is closed, but i have since had slight bleeding again and it literally only is when i wipe and doesn't last long, but i am scared as i am always getting slight pains in my pelvic area and keep getting pains in my back just below my shoulder blade. Do you think i have anything to worry about. i would really appreciate every ones advice as i dont have many people to talk to about these things.




  1. I was in the same situation. I started spotting around week 8 so I called my midwife and she said to lay down until it stopped. It took two days and it went fine. My baby is due any day now.

  2. I don't think so, they checked your cervix because if it was dialated that means you have a miscariage. But everything should be fine it just sounds like you are spotting.

    hope everything goes well

  3. Well as many people should agree, i dont think [unless we're experienced with it, or doctors ect] we have very much good advice to give :(

    But what i can offer you is just someone to chat about it, get it all off your chest, y'know?

    It seems that if there was  a BIG problem, the doctors in the hospital wouldve told you, so it seems to me your going to be fine!

    Email me if you wanna talk more, your more than welcome.

  4. When they did your  sonogram, were they able to see a sac in the uterus?  When you mention pain near the shoulder,  that is sign of ectopic pregnancy.  I had one about 4 years ago and the shoulder pain was my only symptom.

    It's not uncommon in early pregnancy to have some mild spotting.  If it's not bright red, it't not from an active bleed.  The fact that they said your cervix was closed is a very good sign.  If the bleeding becomes severe or you notice clots, that's more ominous.

    I would call and report your shoulder pain to you doctor.  Better safe than sorry since ectopics can be life threatening.

    Good luck!

  5. did you have an u/s? because if not you may have an eptopic preg. cause pain in your shoulder is a sign of eptopic preg.  if you had an u/s already and the baby was in your uterus where it belongs than disregard that...but a little bleeding can be normal...dont stress too much cause stress is not healthy for baby...if you are concerned call the doctor and let them know what is happening...good luck!!!!

  6. oh honey *huge massive hug* now take a breath... Worrying about this isn't doing you any favours i know its hard not too, but just keep positive.  Some people bleed all the way through their pregnancy and don't even know they are pregnant, it could be to do with s*x or anything.  If you are worried just take extra time everyday to have a nice relaxing bubble bath.  Plus you will get pains around your body, i remember times in my period where my whole body felt like one huge ouch.  i dont think you have anything to worry about as long as you relax and take things one day at a time.

    Take care of yourself, and relax!

    Blessed be

  7. I had a miscarriage two years ago, that light pink stuff is from implantation bleeding its ok.  I was freakin out too when I had it but it will be ok.  I am only 8 weeks now, and I will tell you I am freaking out because last time I had morning sickness like you cant believe and I do again this time.

    Just dont stress, relax, I had a hard time doing that but seriously.  Relax.  It will be ok.  If the time is right everything is meant to be.  

    You def have nothinig to worry about the slight pains are normal, and in your back and shoulders is too, and so is the pink spotting.  When you get pregnant, before you even show, your body adjusts your center of gravity to make it easier on you later, and the spotting is ok.  If it gets worse or dark red then you have something to worry about, you get it during your first trimester sometimes, I had it last week.  It will be all ok momma just keep you head up.

  8. Try not to worry I had a miscarriage with my first pregnancy and then with my second pregnancy I had light bleeding but everything was fine and he is 12 weeks old today so stay positive.

  9. Im 7 weeks pregnant and fortunately have never suffered the pain of a misscarage  but i know that im very much more aware of and slight feelings/pain so you must be 110% more sensative! you need to try to relax as much as you can your body will protect your baby you need to look after your body and mind think on the posotive side and get as much help as possible tc and sorry for your previous loss

  10. When i first found out that i was pregnant i was so excited.aim 32 weeks now .i think u gonna be normal next 2.3 weeks,don't be scared girl  u are not first one.hehhe

  11. all you can do is rest! dont over stretch,lift anything healthy, dont walk loads! just take it nice and slowly and easy, there is nothing else you can do really im afraid! just go back for the scan next week and hopefully they will be bale to see the foetus. good luck

  12. The horrible thing is... is if ur going to miscarry sadly there is nothing u or doctors can do!

    Bleeding in pregnancy isnt normal but it is very common!

    im 9 weeks and when i was seven weeks i had bright red bleeding when i wiped!

    and im still pregnant!

    I know ur bound to be scared but if u can try and stay calm... coz the stress and worry wont be doing u both any good!

    Good luck & congratulations!

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