
6th Grade multiplacation?

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Ok I'm going into 6th grade and I don't have all my multiplacation tables memorized, so what is a fast & easy way to learn 3-9?




  1. All you can really do is practice, write them out a few times and then recite them. In school we had contests for how fast we could say them, I got obsessed. You could also have a times table wall chart in your toilet or something like that.

    But don't worry about it, I'm sure you aren't the only one not so confident with them.  

  2. omg.......why the heck don't you know that?

  3. I'm not a math teacher (English/Language Arts), but the best way to learn something is to practice, practice, practice. Keep your tables handy and refer to them throughout the day. Recite them in your head or out loud whenever you have a chance.You can look online or at stores like Wal-Mart for practice sheets or booklets that will help you use what you've learned. Most importantly, don't get frustrated if you don't memorize them perfectly in a day. Be patient with yourself.

  4. 3s- easy memorization

    4s- they will always be even numbers-

    5s- you can count it out...the last digit will always a 0 or 5


    6- memorize

    7- these are hard just memorize

    8- is that it also will be memorization but will end evenly..with 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0

    9s- the finger trick.  9x2..hold out your fingers and hold the second one down and what do you have? 1is up and so is 8. so the answaer is til 10..oviousliy..heh

    hope this helps!

  5. Heh, im in high school and I dont know my multiplication facts.

    Heres a trick for nines

       1.  Hold your hands in front of you with your fingers spread out.

       2. For 9 X 3 bend your third finger down. (9 X 4 would be the fourth finger etc.)

       3. You have 2 fingers in front of the bent finger and 7 after the bent finger

       4. Thus the answer must be 27

       5. This technique works for the 9 times tables up to 10.

  6. "Practice makes a man perfect"..  

  7. memorization is the key to multiplication  

  8. Learn your multiplication in this order because of the patterning.

    2 - double

    4 - double and double

    8 - double, double and double

    3 - double and add once more

    6 - that is 3 and double

    5 - multiply by 10 and cut in half

    9 - multiply by 10 and subtract once

    7 - learn this one last.  You can use the rule from the other number.  All you really need to know is 7x7=49.

    It helps to know (by heart) all the ways to add to get 10.

    It helps to add like this by grouping place values.

    Solve 74 + 87

    = 70 + 80 + 4 + 7 (for 4 + 7, think 1 + 3 + 7)

    = 150 + 10 + 1

    = 161

    It helps to subtract like this


    - 1234


      (1999 + 1)

    - (1233 + 1)


    Now solve without borrowing!

    What does this all have to do with multiplication?  Everything.  To learn math, it isn't so much memorizing.  It is everything to do with understanding.

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