
7 yr old ????????

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do u think that is to young to playout alone.




  1. My 8 yr old plays outside alone or with the neighbor's kids a lot. They just stay in our yards. She's been doing that since about 5, probably.

    I think it depends on who lives near you, what kind of street you're on and your own kids.

    We live at the end of a dirt road dead end street (there are four houses altogether), so it isn't very busy and the only car coming to our end would be my own :-)

    I can see my DD from pretty much any window if I choose to look. She knows she can't go past the nieghbor's house and if she's going to go over to the nieghbor's, she has to tell me.

  2. depends on where you live....if you live in a busy area, I would say yes, if its more rural then I would think it is ok.

  3. yes they should always be supervised when their outside.

  4. as long as he or shes knows how to stay out of the street and you keep an ear and eye out for them.

  5. My daughters are 5 and 7 and I let them play outside alone in the's fenced in though and I check on them alot. So I think 7 is a fine age to play outside as long as they know the rules (no going in the road, no talking to strangers, etc.)

  6. As long as the child is close enough so that you could look out the window and check on him/her regularly.

  7. Yes.  A supervised one would be alright.  I would not let my kids go on a playdate alone without supervision until the age of twelve.  If there would be the other child's parents there than that would be okay.

  8. That depends on everything.

    Is it by a busy street?

    Is the child in a place where  you can easily view her?

    What's the neighborhood like?

    Are there unleashed dogs roaming?

    Is she playing outdoors with friends?

    Has she been taught safety rules: ie Don't go into the street.  Don't go into anyone's house. Never talk to an adult in a car.

    Has this child been offered the opportunity to play outdoors alone before?  Some children may be too nervous to do that without an adult.

  9. well depends on where you live. but probably not till they are about 10 just so they know what they can and cannot do.

  10. Yes definitely. Way too young.

  11. tht kid is way to young back yard if  fenced in

  12. In the city no..

    but in a quiet suburb with other kids, yes they can play and just check outside every so often to make sure its all going well.

  13. WAY too young.

  14. Should be totally fine - give instructions about not leaving, no street, no talking to people we don't know, etc.... But totally old enough!!! My kids were going across the street and walking to school alone at 7 yrs old (1/2 block away).

  15. its fine as long as u know where she is and u keep ur eye on her
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