
9 year old boy?

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We have this family living with us for about 3 months now and they have a little boy who is getting on my last nerve!!!!!!!!!!!!! First off, he plays too rough with my two girls who are 4 & 5 yrs old, which they have never play like that before. He left urine on my toilet seat (and caught him doing that a few times alreay) and I told his mom about it. That didn't do any good, because I caught him the other day with the toilet being sprayed with urine (on the floor, back of toilet). I called him over and made him clean it up and he told me it was from hand washing. He's also sneaky! I won't go into details about it, mom if you know what I meant. I caught him climbing into the room through the window on the 2nd story house. I told his step dad, and don't know what his mom is doing about it. He's been making faces at me when I pass by him outside. I told my husband that sooner or later, I'll slap him or beat him for being such a little punk.




  1. So, ask him to move out... I'm not really sure why they're living with you in the first place. The toilet's normal--that's what little boys do. The climbing is dangerous.

  2. I don't know the circumstances that came about so that his family needs to live with yours....however, it is your house and they must follow your rules, that includes their son.  The urine thing is gross and needs to be addressed, but what is more concerning is how he treats your daughters.  That must stop.  

    You can't be the one to discipline him, but if he parents won't you have to sit down with them and tell them there are only two options here....abide by the rules of your house, or leave.

  3. well if its your house tell them they should move. and if they dont, tell the boy to stop, or just dont let them play together anymore or somthing.
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