
=\ what should i do.?

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that was my old question, i decided to tell my dad about it and now theyre splitting up and he says it will be better if i stay with my mom but i dont want to, my dad says he cant afford keeping me with him so thats why i have to stay with her, but i dont want to i dont know what to do anymore, i feel like killing myself so i dont have to stay with my mom.




  1. You hold on there!  Life is certainly not over at this point for you in fact it is just beginning.  It is certainly not your fault for what happened, the blame lies totally on your mom since she was the one that decided to do what she did.  You should not feel at fault by any means.  Just talk to your dad and let him know that you totally do not want to stay with her because you do not support her standards and see if he could possibly do anything to change your situation.  Things will get better and you should never think of ending it all as an option because you are a huge asset to this world and have a lot to contribute to us all.  So please don't ever give up, please.  I sincerely hope I have helped you.

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