
9mm penetration factors ?

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I recently shot a 9mm accidentally into my ceiling. My concern is that although it shot straight up that it may have gone into my neighbors house(i live in a town home. When I went to my attic I say that it grazed a 2x4 beam. It did not get suck there because I can't find the bullet. My question is did the beam reduce its power enough to were it would not go through another inch thick piece of drywall? After it hit the beam it went a little bit at an angle.I asked my neighbor if there is any damage to his wall and he said he could not see anything.What are the ballistic veriables when a bullet goes straight up? Does it lose speed quickly?




  1. IF On your next negligent discharge you kill someone you deserve the 20 years prison time you'll get

  2. I have dozens of firearms well "over 65 years old" and not once has one had a "safety failure" winding up firing a round into my ceiling.

    This was a negligent discharge. Period.

    Be an adult and take responsibility, don't try to blame the weapon.

    I thank you for your service to your country, but that's a limited credential for weapons safety. One would think that that experience would have at least contributed to your level of maturity and responsibility.

    A 9mm ball can go through several 2x4s and several sheets of drywall. It's up there somewhere, keep looking.  

  3. I think Mythbusters tried this recently, and they concluded that most rifle and handgun bullets don't have enough mass to kill someone if they fall straight back down to earth.  And the odds are pretty low that the bullet will hit someone in the first place.

    Guns don't kill people, UNLESS you aim them just right......

  4. should get your permit revoked for that. what a hazard

  5. Turtle, I have 19years of service under my belt, been to Iraq twice in 91 and four times this go around.  I had the same thing happen except my incident was my fault unlike yours.  I guarantee the round traveled into the apartment above you.  The reason no one will ever no is because the "exit" wound was probably through carpet.  

  6. A 9MM can easily penetrate a wall and go into a neighbors house. Of course there are variables such as a framing member stopping a bullet but for the most part all bets are off when the gun fires......

    Look over these ballistics tests for more clarity...

    And be sure to check out the whole website.... Lots of interesting stuff about what ammo penetrates what......

  7. Ahem.

    I think you missed the point:  You had an accidental discharge you need to ask yourself "How do I prevent another one?"  

  8. I agree with most of the answers above. You need to respect your weapon.  There is no such thing as an accident.  You are lucky to be alive and lucky you did not kill or hurt someone.  Step away from the gun!

  9. that bullet is up in your ceiling someplace.

    There are no accidental discharges...just negligent ones...

    Let's see a little bit more muzzle discipline. You are damned lucky you didnt kill someone.

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