
A Indian Nickel?

by  |  earlier

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I have two Indian nickels with the years 1930 and 1936. They both have cut marks along the edge. The shards do stick out quite a bit. The 1930 one, looks to have 6 shards, probably showing it was in the middle while the metal was poured. The 1936 has similar shards sticking out, while it only has 4 of the possible 6, probably being at the edge of the template. I haven't seen these in ebay auctions. Wondering if they are special or not.




  1. Indian Head nickels more commonly called Buffalo nickels are not poured they are struck by a coin press. The blanks are punched out of strips. Then turned into planchets when the rims are added before the images are stamped on by the dies. Sounds like your nickels have damage done to them outside the mint. There is no process at the mints that would do the damage you say is on them. They have no collector value.

  2. no not really indian nickels are still pretty common especially ones that arent in mint condition i still get one as change from time to time but save them and give them to your grandkids when the time comes in another 40 years or so they may be worth sumthing
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