
A Question About Eve (Hawa)?

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Can someone explain to me how Eve was created, meaning how did she become a living thing?

'(Adam)He slept for some time and when he woke up, he saw a woman whom Allah had created from his ribs'

I don't really understand it can someone explain it to me?

Be nice and no rude comments :]




  1. In the same way creation of Adam also be questioned? we can't comprehend creation of Adam and Hawa completely. What we know is what Allah tells us. It is not a necessity to know how exactly Allah created them for our salvation.

  2. Women are better than men.

  3. Jews and Islam seem to have the same base so why the hate between you even the christian bible has the same beginning. Religion causes more problems than it solves

  4. @bro adam hashmi..

    what a great answer!!

    u guys r wonderful , really great answer..

    and as my sis sakro said , it's a miracle , and u cant explain miracles..

    always love and peace ..

  5. "Qoon faya qoon", when Allah Taala want it to be happen, it will happened. This verse taken from surah Yaasin. Please don't take verses from al Quran from it's surface. Al Quran is not like other books, such Bible, Torah, Vedas and etc who had been written by humans, al Quran is the words from Allah Taala. We as human have a limited ability to ascertain the real meanings behind the lines. But, through continuous researches done by Ulama' and Fuqaha', we could retrieved the most appropriate understandings.

    Ribs maybe taken figuratively or literally and for this case, I'm not in the right position to elaborate further. But from my understandings based from my previous lessons, Hawa (or Eve in Bible) was made from Adam's rib to show that a woman is a complement for a man. In other words, a man needs a woman both for 'lahiriyah' and 'batiniyah'. Rib is not a straight-bone  and not as strong as the backbone. This symbolizes woman that is soft in nature and need to be showered with love and care as to avoid it from 'broken'. Rib also a kind of bone that supports the other bones and this nature supports the reason why man needs a woman.

  6. God's creative power is beyound comprehansion.He just need to wish it and it happened so thats simple to create her

  7. It's not possible for any human to explain exactly 'how' God created anything; either you believe it, or you don't!

  8. I have not yet seen a clear statement to say that Eve was created from "Adam's spare rib". The Qur'anic verse (4:1) which states

    وخلق منها زوجها

    can also be translated as "created his mate of alike nature" and not necessarily "created his mate from him".

    Even the Hadith talking about the the creation of women from a "rib" and the "crookedness" is more likely to have a figurative meaning rather than a literal meaning because the overall meaning of the Hadith is figurative advising men to be gentle to their wives.

  9. Woman was created from the rib of man.

    She was not made from a part of his head to top him,

    nor was she made from his feet to be trampled on.

    She was created out of his side to equal him,

    under his arm to be protected by him

    and near his heart to be loved. ♥

  10. Apparently she was created from Adams rib, that's all i know loll

  11. the same way Adam become a living thing, Allah created his body then blew from his soul inside him, and when the soul has reached to his head he sneezed and Allah taught him to say: alhamdulillah, the angels said: Yarhamuka Allah,,

  12. Allah didn't create her, it didn't create anything

  13. I'm not sure. It was one of the Miracles of Allah i think.

    @Adnan-It mightn't work for you now, but since claim to be an ex-muslim, you obviously know that in Islam there were miracles. Not every miracle can be proven scientifically, that's why it's a miracle.


    EDIT: @Adnan:Like I said, it won't work for you now because you're an Athiest. No, we don't insist on calling stuff proven miracles. We know it's the truth because it's in the Qur'an, and the Qur'an is truthful. Yes, most things that can't be proven are, to me, a miracle from Allah, because they manifest His existence, and are a marvellous occurrences. To you, everything will have to be proven to make you believe it happened. For us, we don't need it to be proven, because it's in the Qur'an (like I said).

    Sorry, I'm not going to discuss this anymore. I'm sure you don't want to either. It's pointless. Have a good day.

  14. adnan the athiest: its proven cuz all males have one less rib than females do. Go check out a male skeleton or something. Is that enough proof?

    edit: adnan like i said, go check out a skeleton

    edit: im doing my GCSEs this year, ask me that question in august and I'll tell u about my A*

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