
A Snowboarders Help :)?

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So for this winter season I wanted to take up snowboarding. I have been a skiier for 5 years, so I realize this is a pretty big switch and the two are nothing alike.

So, My options are:

1. would it be better to learn on a snowboard that I bought?....dealing with the fact that I may HATE snowboarding after getting discouraged with falling...etc


2. Rent a board each time- i know all boards are different so would this throw me off in any way...or slow down the learning process?

Thanks for your suggestions :)




  1. I think you should rent at least the first 2 times. A lot of people who try snowboarding only try it once or twice and give up because they hate falling down. Since you are already a skier you will probably do a lot better at it the first time, but I've found, for most skiers they go back to skiing much more easily. There is so much falling at first and you already know you have fun on your skis, it is so easy to say, "snowboarding sucks, give me my skis back, at least I can be having fun on my skis.".

    If you get past the first couple of days, and you're liking it, then buy yourself a board.

    An alternative would be to just buy a cheap used board instead of renting (rental fees add up quickly). That way you wouldn't be out much money if you decided to quit.

  2. I think it's best to rent a board until you both get the basics down and until you know what you like. I rented for the first two months or so and don't think it slowed down my progress. Also try not to get discouraged with the falling factor; it happens to everyone and you will get better.

  3. If you've been skiing for 5 years, you MUST have a buddy that has a board he'd let you borrow.  Right?!!  I've kept all my boards and never hesitate to let a good friend borrow one of my previous rides.  BORROW.  That way you're not out anything (unless you gotta rent boots.  they HAVE TO fit right), and chances are your borrow buddy will want to go with you, and there's your instructor!!  

    And let him/her help you.  You're right, the two sports are quite different, and you'd do good to take all the advice/help you can get while you're on the slopes:-)

    Good luck:-)  You're making an awesome decision by giving it a try.  And remember, just because you start riding doesn't mean you have to give up skiing!

  4. I would say rent a board until you get the hang of snowboarding.... yea boards are made different but its not that much of a difference though. When i started i just rented one until i could go down the mountian.

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