
A big telekinesis question!?

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I have some questons about telekinesis. Just try to answer as many as you can. Who ever answers the most and the best, will, of course, get the best answer.

1. Is telekinesis real?

2. Can anybody do it?

3. If so, how can I do it?

4. Are there any videos, tutorials, or articles ect. on how to do it?

5. Websites?

6. Is it ever been in the news? I mean, REAL news.

7. Are there any other things I should know about telekinesis?

8. What are they?




  1. 1-yes-( Telekinesis is the ability to move or mould objects with the force of psychic power, that is, without using any ordinarily known means of physical force. It is believed that Telekinesis works by the waves of psychic energy which in concentrated form can push, repel, mould an object or draw it inward)

    2&3-yes -Every body can do telekinesis by training and developing his/her mental faculties. so it is up to you when you are not a natural,

    4&5 &6

    Ninel Kulagina - demonstrated that she could by mental direction alone, move objects across the table, displnce compass needles, and make a pile of matches explode outwards. And she could subsequently show that by PK, she could separate the white of an egg, which had been broken in a saline solution, from its uolk, and stop the heart of a frog beating.The concentrative effort required to move objects by PK accelerated her pulse to 200 beats per minute, dangerously raised her blood pressure and upset her EEG wave pattern, which are the type of physical changes that normally only occur when a person is suffering great stress. They left the Leningrad housewife exhausted, dizzy, and depressed, and blurred her eyesight. They were eventually to result in a heart attack; this stopped her from taking part in further experiments.


    Psychokinesis: Also called PK; direct mental interaction with physical objects, animate or inanimate

    Bio-PK: Direct mental interactions with living systems

    This has also been called bio-PK, and more recently some researchers refer to it as Direct Mental Interactions with Living Systems (DMILS). The ability to monitor internal functions of the body, including nervous system activity using EEG and biofeedback technologies, has provided an opportunity to ask whether biological systems may also be affected by intention in a manner similar to PK on RNGs.

  2. using illusionist tricks.

    4.many, but they don't work unless they focus on the illusionist aspect.

    5.I dont know any websites where the trick is revealed, try a magic shop or something. Most websites will just give you the usual BS about concentrating and such.

    6.Probably, buts its always been proven a hoax.

    7.Its just an illusion, not something you can really do with your mind.

    8.its an illusion.


    these websites answer most of your ?s

  4. Telekinesis: A term denoting the claimed faculty of moving material objects without contact, presumably by psychic force.

    1.  No.  

    2.  It's not real.

    3.  It's not real.

    4.  Sure, you can find anything on the Internet.


    6.  No, it's not real.

    7.  It's not real,

    8.  Scam artist

  5. 1.) There has been no evidence to support the idea TK is real.  That alone is not conclusive.  However, it is extremely improbable.

    2.) No one has been able to do it in a controlled environment.  Many people who have claimed to have the ability have been shown to be frauds.

    3.) They cheat.

    4.) No videos.  Since those who claim they can do it are frauds I'm sure they'd love to charge you how to do it, for a fee.

    5.) No websites.

    6.) The only time it's made the news is when the reporters, through their credulity, are in on the gag.  Oh, and rarely their is a story about how someone was shown to be a fraud.  See Uri Geller.

    7.) TK is a magical phenomenon that has two kinds of supporters.  There are those who know it's bunk but endeavor to defraud those who know no better.  The other kind of person is the "true believer".  This person either doesn't know any better or else tends to have a fantasy-prone personality.

    8.) TK is not real.

  6. 1. no its not

    2. no

    3. no

    4. lol no

    5. no

    6. criss angel is a hack

    7. sry but its only an imagination

    8. it only exists in other mind - its not real

  7. My family is psychic. My adult son has been using telekinesis since he was a small boy. I attribute his ability to do that because he was hospitalized almost from birth until he was ten yeats old. (So much time lying there, that he just used another 'gift').

  8. 1 - no

    2 - no

    3 - n/a

    4 - probably, but refer to answers 1 & 2

    5 - see answer 4

    6 - no

    7 - other than it's not real?

    8 - see answer 7

  9. No, No, No, No, No, No,

    Heres something that is absolutely true:

    The magician "the Amazing Randi" has a standing offer of one million dollars to anyone who can perform ANY paranormal activity under laboratory conditions.  Many persons have attempted the challenge.  The prize has never been claimed. Hopefully this will suggest something to you.

  10. 1. Yes.  People can move 'things' with out physically touching them.

    2. No. You need to be trained if you don't do it naturally and then even those who try may not be able to do it.

    3. You'd need to find someone who can do it to teach you Thats the hard part! ...and you have to be be disciplined with it [practice everyday].

    4. Probably, find them at your nearest alternative/new age/spiritual store.

    5. Google.

    6. Doubt it!  it would be a mirical if it was!! [..and then doubted]

    7. Yes.

    8. It can take ages to get the hang of it and you start off small.

    There are different 'types', for example some move objects like bending spoons, others turn on and off electrical equipment.

  11. 1 yes 2 no 3 you have to be gifted with it 4 if there are, they are probably bs 5 same 6 i guess but the news is controlled by the government 7 yes 8 it is directly linked to poltergeists and Ouija boards- also spontaneous human combustion

  12. Yes. As has been demonstrated by Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) and what is now the Rhine Research Center as far back as the 1930's as well as a few other experiments conducted by members of the Parapsychological Association, in particular Helmut Schmidt (link below)


    No one knows how this ability works so no one can you instruct you on what might work.

    4. See above

    5. I have listed the best and most applicable web sites


    6. The work of PEAR and others have appeared in many

         main stream peer reviewed journals, the web sites

         will reference publications for you.

    7. Yes, the work is certainly not without it's critics most of

        which can not get published in peer reviewed science


        Also, while the effects are usually observed on objects

        in motion (first on falling dice then on random number

        generators) and while the results are significant in the

        world of statistics they are not impressive in terms of

        every day experience. No one has yet thrown a car,

         levitated their friends, or started fires.

    Lastly telekinesis is usually called psychokinesis (PK) in the current research literature.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  13. 1. No, as far as scientific investigation can tell.

    2. No, everyone who has tried under controlled conditions has failed.

    3. See (1) and (2)

    4. Yes, you'll find a bunch of websites if you google telekinesis. They'll tell you how to develop TK and some will sell you videos and books, but unfortunately (1) and (2) still apply, so take it all with a grain of salt.

    5. See (4)

    6. Not that I can recall.

    7. At this point it's just wishful thinking and fantasy. All scientific testing has failed to produce convincing results.

    8. See (7).

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