
A couple questions regarding my cockatiel?

by Guest60673  |  earlier

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okay.. he's about nine months old, and he's a lutino pearl (just incase this info means anything..)

QUESTION 1: What does it mean when your cockatiel's feathers start to change color??

He's lost most of the pearl pattern on his back since his first molt a few months ago. but i've started to see some color change in his feathers..

this coloring starts at his shoulders and goes all the way down to the tips of his primary feathers. its very light, but you can still tell its there. it sort of looks like a fallow color.

its weird, because he's always been very white, i've never seen that color on him before.

is it possible he's got he fallow mutation in him? or is there something wrong with his diet??

QUESTION 2: is it possible for a cockatiel to be sexually confused??

i know he's a male. i never took him to a vet to be sexed, but i know for sure he's a male!!

cuz the pearl pattern disappeared from his back, and whenever he mates with my other tiel he's always




  1. Q1- in a cockatiel book i have it says that they start to get their real color after their first molt. from the age of your bird it sounds like it wouldve been his first molt. so thats normal.

    Q2- yes he is masturbating. they do that sometimes. so yea....hahaha. i know theres some websites that can help determine what their doing when they rub their beak on the perch...etc. just google it!

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