
A dreadful period while pregnant? ?

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This may be a stupid question for many... but I am still wondering if this is any way possible? My periods are just about every 28 days (as normal for a female), and I assumed I was ovulating between days 11-14, so I had unprotected s*x just about everyday and did the whole routine with my legs in the air and sitting there for about 25-30 minutes, sometimes I wouldnt even get up I would just go to bed. I assumed that I did everything right last month, so I took a pregnancy test three days before my expected "period". Then all of a sudden, I got my "period". Now, I have heard stories that you can have your period while your pregnant. However, I am wondering if they are lighter than usual, the same, or what? My period was the same without the horrible cramps, just much milder. I did have a heavy period. So I am guessing this month wasn't my month. I have been trying to concieve for about 10months now, and Im only 20. I feel like Im never going to be able to have children. Each month I try something different just to cover all bases. I have also heard cases where you can get pregnant just after your period, and ovulation really hasnt occured yet. I guess my question is: Is there a way that I could still be pregnant? I know probably no one is a doctor and only I know my body, Im basically just looking for experiences, and some hope. Thanks in advance for your answers!




  1. I have heard of people having their period while preggo, but it is usually alot lighter.

    Don't worry that you won't get pregnant, the trying can be so discouraging, I did for 4 years before finding out I could not concieve naturally, but now have 2 beautiful boys thanks to Invitro. There are so many advances in fertility, hang in there your day is coming!!!

  2. You are young, but I will offer my advice anyway ;-)  One thing that you can try is getting an ovulation kit either in the store or on line (cheaper on line like ). All you have to do is pee in a cup or on the stick (depending on which kind you buy) and it will tell you when you are ovulating or just about to. Another thing to remember is that if you have s*x everyday his sperm count will go down so every other day is better so that he has time to build it up again.  

  3. k

  4. I don't know if this will help, but here's my story...;...



  5. Sounds to me like unfortunately this was not the month for you..If you got regular flow then chances are pregnancy did not occur..even when women do bleed during early pregnancy it is very scant and light and not like a regular period (no need for a pad). They say healthy couples conceive within a year and anything after that check with a fertility specialist...You still have a few months left before worrying too much...Just because this wasnt your month doesnt mean u cannot have a baby...You will get pregnant when it is your time..Good Luck and LOTS of baby dust!!!!

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