This may be a stupid question for many... but I am still wondering if this is any way possible? My periods are just about every 28 days (as normal for a female), and I assumed I was ovulating between days 11-14, so I had unprotected s*x just about everyday and did the whole routine with my legs in the air and sitting there for about 25-30 minutes, sometimes I wouldnt even get up I would just go to bed. I assumed that I did everything right last month, so I took a pregnancy test three days before my expected "period". Then all of a sudden, I got my "period". Now, I have heard stories that you can have your period while your pregnant. However, I am wondering if they are lighter than usual, the same, or what? My period was the same without the horrible cramps, just much milder. I did have a heavy period. So I am guessing this month wasn't my month. I have been trying to concieve for about 10months now, and Im only 20. I feel like Im never going to be able to have children. Each month I try something different just to cover all bases. I have also heard cases where you can get pregnant just after your period, and ovulation really hasnt occured yet. I guess my question is: Is there a way that I could still be pregnant? I know probably no one is a doctor and only I know my body, Im basically just looking for experiences, and some hope. Thanks in advance for your answers!