
A few questions about Islam?

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Was Mohammed a messenger or prophet?

What is eating pork equivalent to?Would you say it's equivalent to lying, or murder?

Is it really a big deal if a Muslim celebrates Christmas (it's celebrating the birth of Christ, whom we respect highly).




  1. He was neither. He was a murderer and pedofile who started a cult.

  2. 1) Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a prophet and messenger of Allah.

    2) We are in no place to assume and place eating haram food to be equivalent to lying as far as I know and understand as of this moment.  But we do know it is not as big as murder because murder is the 2nd major sin in Islam.  And we also do know eating pork is clearly prohibited in Islaam as the Qur'aan states it and there is no way around it unless one is in dire necessity (doesn't have halal food and might die if he/she doesn't consume the haram).

    Say (O Muhammad SAW): "I find not in that which has been inspired to me anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it, unless it be Maytatah (a dead animal) or blood poured forth (by slaughtering or the like), or the flesh of swine (pork, etc.) for that surely is impure, or impious (unlawful) meat (of an animal) which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allâh (or has been slaughtered for idols, etc., or on which Allâh's Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering). But whosoever is forced by necessity without wilful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits, (for him) certainly, your Lord is Oft­Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Al-An'am 6:145) .

    3) Yes it is a big deal to celebrate any *eid* or yearly celebration other than the two eids in Islaam.  because the prophet said to not celebrate other than the two eids of the Muslims.

    And for your information, the 25th of December is not even the real birth date of Eesa ibn maryam.  Even many christians don't celebrate it now a days because its' root is pagan.

  3. christen is sin for Muslim to celebrate

    pork eat **** christen eat who eat ****

    jesus is prophet who raised to heaven and come again before judgment to tell who say Jesus is god or son god that iam not and i am not son of god  

  4.   Muhammad sallalahi alahi wa salaam was both a Messenger and Prophet.

    Eating pork is prohibited.

    We (Muslims) don't believe that Isa, may Allah be pleased with him, shares in any divinity with Allah subhana wata'aala, so we wouldn't celebrate Christmas.  Isa, son of Mary is HIGHLY respected in Islam.

  5. He was both.

    Eating pork by accident or unknowingly is not going to d**n you to h**l. I am always surprised that so many people don't realize that pepperoni (unless specified) is pork, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. I wouldn't say it is as bad as murder if you ate it willingly, but it does prove that if you can't follow this one easy commandment you most likely are not going to follow the more strict ones.

    First of all, Muslims should only celebrate the two Islamic Eids. No birthdays. Secondly, even most Christians know that Christmas is not really Christ's birthday, it comes from an old pagan holiday, and it would be a form of shirk (associating others with Allah) to set up trees and decorations and such, because this is what was once done in honor of the pagan god, Mithris, who's birthday it actually is (according to the people who believed in him.) And third, Muslims are not supposed to copy the non-Muslims, even if it was not an old pagan holiday. We don't have to trash it or insult those who do celebrate it, but it's not our holiday, we are supposed to be seperate from the non-Muslims.

  6. he was a prophet and messenger

    eating pork is like drinking alcohol

    yes we respect Jesus(as) ,but we shouldn't ape non-muslims coz it can lead us to be like them

  7. Muhammad (pbuh) was a messenger and a prophet

    eating pork is forbidden just like alcohol cuz its harmful to our body and health

    we have 2 celebrations Eid Alfuter (after Ramadan) and Eid Aladha !!

    we muslims believe that Jesus is a prophet and masieh but not the son of god ! Allah Almighty is one and only .. he has no wife and no son !!

  8. Do you know that even eating pork is permitted provided there is no otherway to save and protect ones life?

    This is the only condition you can eat pork otherwise it is prohibited for several scientific reasons.

    Jesus is considered one of the prophets and has been mentioned in Quran by several names........

    * Kalimatullaah meaning "God's Word" (3:45)

    * Qawl al-haqq, meaning "sure word", (19:34)

    * Ruhun minhu meaning a "a Spirit from Him" (4:171)

    * A L- M A S I H  "The Messiah" mentioned eleven times.

    * Nabi meaning "prophet" mentioned in 29:30

    * Rasul meaning "messenger" (4:157; 5:75)

    * ibn Maryam, Isa ibn Maryam meaning "son of Mary" or "Jesus son of Mary" mentioned thirty three times.

    * Abd Allah, meaning "Servant of God"

    * Min al-muqareeabin meaning "among those who are close to God", later explained by the fact of his "ascension" mentioned in the Qur'an 3:45

    * Wadjih, meaning "worthy of esteem in this world and the next"

    * Mubarak, meaning "blessed" as "a source of benefit for others, probably a bringer of baraka" (19:31).

    Now why the Muslims do not celebrate birthday [x-mas] ?

    As you know that there are several editions of Bible each claiming to be true. It is very uncertain that Jesus was born on that day only.

    " We know very little about Jesus. The evangelists have daubed his life image so thickly with supernatural colours that the natural colours can not be restored. The Jesus of history is simply a problem and a problem can not be object of faith."--[ Dr. Straus quoted in Christ's Myth.]

    " ..That the historic Jesus is something different from the Jesus Christ of the doctrine of the two natures, seems to us now selfevident. "--[ The Quest of the Historical Jesus by A. Schweitzer, translated by Montgomery F.C.Burki p3-4 ]

    Moreover there is no prohibition to celebrate birth of Jesus till you follow the Islamic tenents. e.g. you can not celebrate before the statue or depiction of Jesus like the Christians do.

    Now for the first one. Who is a prophet ?

    A chosen one who can deliver the message of God to His people.

    That's what Mohammad was.A messenger of Allah and a prophet.

  9. I would like to know this as well

    And plus, you should also ask this in the REligions section

    And celebrating the birth of the Messiah is what muslims do not believe in, i think they say that Jesus was a prophet and not a Messiah.

    But i've never read the Quran, i get this from hear say. Maybe someone can find it and show what it says about Jesus


    Messiah = son of God


    oh sorry, anyway i'm meaning the son of God

  10. He was not only the prophet of God but seal of prophets that if you find the imprints of his attributes, you should concur to the claim.

    Pork is not fit for human consumption as you food affects your spiritual status.Pork eaters lose the value of protecting their females to getting indulged with males other than their own.

    Celebrating Christmas by a muslim should not a big deal as Christ was not born on December 25.Moreover the Christain do not attach it a spiritual importance and take as a social events for eating and drinking and having fun together.

  11. Muhammad (pbuh) was both a messenger with a message, and was a prophet at the same time, and he is the only person.

    eating pork is Haram (forbidden) and it is a sin, it is less than lying or murdering.

    yes, celebrating xmas is a very big deal, we only have two occasions to celebrate, called Eid Al-Fitr, and Eid Al-Adhah, other days are considered as innovations.

  12. Mohammad was a Prophet of God sent to deliver the Message of Islam => he is a Prophet and Messenger.

    Pork is haram, but I don't know what it is equivalent to :S

    And Muslims can celebrate Christmas with the intention of it being Prophet Issa's (Jesus) birthday - even though I don't think anybody actually knows exactly when he was born. But if the intention is to celebrate his birthday - like when we celebrate Prophet Mohammad's birthday, I think it's fine. As long as it's not like celebrating the thought that he is the 'son of God' or 'God' or wtvr he is to Christians. In Islam that's shirk, placing an equal to God and worshiping him.  

  13. 1. He was both. A Prophet (or nabi) is someone who recieves revelation from God, and a Messenger (rasul) is someone who recieves a document or set of laws. So, every rasul is nabi, but not every nabi is rasul. The Prophet's Muhammad, Jesus, Moses (peace be upon them) were all rasul.

    2. Consumption of pork is expressly forbidden in Islam - Allah (SWT) has made it haram. You cannot lessen or exaggerate this - it is what it is. It is a sin against Allah, along with not praying, not fasting, etc. compared with a sin against your fellow human (theft, murder, lying, etc.), so it can only be forgiven by Allah (SWT) should He choose to do so.

    3. I'm not sure on this. The celebration of Christmas as we know it today did not even exist at the beginning of Islam. Obviously, to celebrate the birth of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) is not a sin, but Sheikhs still debate about this. It's up to your conscience.

    Peace be upon you. I hope you find your answers.

  14. Mohammad peace be  upon him is both Prophet and Messenger of God. eating ha ram it's sin and it's ha ram so it's  not good  for  your health at the same time you could go on wrong  path .

    eating pork is ha ram haram haram . we in Pakistan do not  even  say it from our tongue. so

    celebrating  when Cristian is celebrating  that  could give  other people a wrong message that we believe like  Cristian believe that he is son of God

  15. mohammad(SWT) was both a messenger and prophet.

    eating pork is probably equivalent to lying but not murder.

    in islam dec. 25th is not the day christ was born. the islamic calendar is different than the one we use everyday. the months are different so his birthday isn't always in december.

  16. First of all, do NOT ask in r&s section, they are ignorant.....

    Muhammad (saw) was both a messenger and a prophet.

    Eating pork is equivalent to lying. U don't wanna eat pork unless u are willing to 1) diobey Allah and 2) eat blood and disgusting stuff.

    We don't really do many celebrations; its not really a big deal if one buys a present or something, there's no harm that can occur.

  17. Jamal you got that all wrong buddy. Messiah does not mean Son of God. It Actually means "anointed". Is this a tactic your preacher is spreading. Does he think people might actually know simple Greek?  

  18. 1. Mohammad SAW was both a messenger and a prophet

    there isn't any difference betweeen a messenger and a prophet!

    2. Eating pork is haram in Islam. And since it is haram it is a sin. I wouldnt say it is equivalent to anything. It is a sin just as the rest of them!

    3. No, its not a big deal if a Muslim celebrates Christmas.

    Hadhrat Isa (ra) (Jesus Christ) is considered a messiah (or prohpet) in islam. So its not really a "big deal". Many muslims around the world celebrate Christmas!

  19. ghr9gj5

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