
A few questions about hispanics?

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I'm 19 years old, and yes I come from two latin american parents. I can honestly say that I'm proud of where I come from, and have never been ashamed of it...

Leaving that aside I'd just like to know, "Why do so many hispanic girls, "2alk like dis, and dey rite so incorrectly....?"

I'm not trying to judge anyone, but it's just a question that's been on my mind. The same would go for hispanic boys. Why are they either violent or in gangs?!

It's almost as though teens today are the ones facing Charles Darwins theory of survival of the fittest?

So one:

1)Why do the girls and guys write incorrectly?

2)What do you gain from threatning someone else?

3)Why are the majority of us so d**n loud?

4)Are you proud of your hispanic heritage? (Sad if your not)

5)What career are you shooting for and how do you think it'll be done?




  1. like, oh my god, like you know?  i know what you mean ya know like?  Like, as a white person, like, ya know, like it really freakes me out, ya know.

  2. Q1

    Actually writing incorectly stems from two things.

    1. Some hispanics eing immigrants, have a hard time spellign corectly, so thier more affulent embers of thier race, purposley write wrong to make the new comers feel less ashamed.

    2. Being a minority they might want something to take pride in, so they write diffrently on purpose to set themselves apart.

    3. Writing incooectly has been a fad on the internet for like ever. HEard of leet or 1337 wh3n p3opl3 t4lks w1t numb3rz 4nd t3h w0rst sp3ll1ng?

    Q2. You gian a sense of superiority. when people fear you , you feel better about yourself.

    Q3 No idea.

    Q4. NOt hispanic, but watch out, becuase there is a small line between pride and bigotry.

    Q5. No idea waht i wan tto do, maby become a sociologist.

  3. 1) they are stupid, or think its kewl

    2) respect and the belief that they are infallible(maybe)

    3) genetics

    4) h**l to the yeah

    5) lawnmower......just kidding, i plan on getting my doctoral degree in meteorology in a little less than 2 years

  4. 1.) maybe because english is their second language? duh

    2.) I don't know

    3.) it is just the culture

    4.) yes I am proud

    5.) I want to become a teacher

  5. mexicans are good for one thing....and thats cutting my grass

  6. 1. I think its just this generation that does it yanoe!? Lol

    2. Nothing

    3. Why are black people loud? (No offense)

    4. I am very proud.

    5. Im gonna be an X-Ray Tech.

  7. I have lived in a Latin American country for years and I can say that the type of people you talk about are, for want of a better term, low class. From what I read of Los Angeles the same class of Latin person is also like this. Interestingly enough I have never come across this type in South Florida which I have visited extensively. Ipso facto, the problem is socio-economic, not racial.

  8. I am hispanic and it seems that they write how they speak... spanglish maybe?  BTW A**hole (JAMES F) Mexicans are NOT the same as hispanic IDIOT

    I am portuguese, threatening, yes I can be when necessary, Loud, yeah I guess i can be at times but so are any other random person regardless of race I will not be intimidated, Very proud to be hispanic and I am in the computer tech/art field OH AND 814875 OR WHATEVER ARE YOU PROUD OF THE HOLLICOST... gEEZUS I didnt realize the volume of ignorance there was on here

  9. I am not Hispanic but am white and of German and English heritage and no,  I am not proud of what I was born and nobody should be.  That in itself is stupid.  It is sort of racist to be proud of your race.  The stereotypes that you are asking about the talk, gangs etc is because of them being "proud".  Proud means turning off your individuality and being stupid.  You are better off being a good citizen of the country you live in rather than being proud of your heritage.  Last time I checked, Mexico and south America come from a long line of people that murdered and sacrificed people.  Proud of that?

  10. 1)im hispanic and i dont think that i write incorrectly

    maybe i just use a few abbreviations on the internet (like lol..jk...)but thats it

    2)i dont threaten super nice

    3)hahaha..yea i can be pretty loud and my moms loud too...why?? i dont kno!

    4)yes i am very proud!

    5)im going to go into bussiness and its going to be done by going to college

  11. 1) texting vocabulary is being incorparated into us since now a day, every kid is like born with a cell phone lol

    2)nothing is gained..just a hobby 4 some ppl, which is not cool at all

    3)not majority, about 50%

    4)yes, no doubt

    5)undecided, but im at the top of my class right now ;)

    hope i helped lol answer much?

  12. Minorities of all kinds tend to be poorer than most white people.  This leads to crime, drugs, unwed teenage mothers, and many other problems.  Since it is so prevalent in these communities, it is perceived as normal.  Anyone who tries to break away from that is considered "uncool" or weird.  This makes it hard for kids who want to get an education and be productive to do so.  So, uneducated, loud (as a result of being uneducated) kids are considered cool and mature, educated kids are not.  It becomes a vicious cycle that repeats itself.  As for the violence, Hispanic men try to be macho (machisto) all the time because it is just the way the culture is) Proud of my heritage, not proud of my people (there is a difference).  I am done with school and I work as a network administrator.

  13. im mexican and

    1. I write incorrectly when i choose because its a friend and its like a shortcut to write/txt faster!

    2. People can threat other because they think they are bigger and better than someone else or because they hate someone else!

    3. lol everyone in my families loud! I can hear someone outside talking on the phone! People talk loudly so everyone can hear them and make themselves the center of attention! Parents usually so they can scare their children!

    4. i myself being hispanic think hispanic have the best pride! i got a tattoo of my last name (garcia) with the mexican flag inside the letters!

    5. Me and my wife are both hispanic and we are going to be opening up our own store and starting our own business!

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