
A few questions about nuns?

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I go to a Catholic school and being around nuns (Dominician) I am curious about the lifestyle of Dominician nuns. Please try to answer-thanks-i am just curious and I think they are really nice people :)

1. Can anyone know the age of a when they're a nun?

2. Can they get on the computer because the ones at my school (who wear habits) have laptops.

3. Can they have cell phones?

4. Can they ever get a break and wear regular clothes?

5. Can they ever tell their birth name?

6. Do they have to get their hair cut to become a nun?

7. When they are just relaxing on a Saturday at their convent home, can they take off their shoes and maybe a layer of their habit?

8. What do they wear to sleep in?

9. What happens to the money that the teachers would make that the nuns get for teaching? (like does it go to charity or where)

10. When they see their family, do they stay with their family?

Thanks-I'm just really curious thanks so much




  1. If you go to a Catholic school and your teachers are Dominican nuns, why don't you ask them? They would be happy to tell you about their order - and if you ask them, you know you'll be getting correct answers.

  2. You should ask the nuns themselves.......

    .....they are best qualified to give you the right answers.

  3. why dont you ask them directly if you are around them ?

    You would get better answers than the ones from here!

  4. If you asked those questions to them in an unassuming tone, I'm sure they would be happy to answer them.  I'm not too sure anyone else would know, unless they have been a nun before...

    I'm sure there is a lot of speculation, but no real truths.  Good luck!

    I also think it's cute you asked this question under the "royalty" catagory!

  5. These are all good questions.

    1 it not polite to ask a women her age. you can be a nun at the age of 18 and up

    2 they can use and technology they wish ( if they know how to lol)

    3 yes they can wear normal cloths in fact more than less nun's wear normal cloths and its rare almost to see an order to enforce the habit.

    4 yes they have a birth name

    5 some nun orders make them shave off all of their hair and keep a lock for their death bed to be buried in... i forget that order

    6 yes in fact some even kick back and play pool, ( once a good friend of mine was a nun and she could out drink me and kick my butt in pool like no other)...sorry too much info...

    7 depending on the order the money generally goes to the order and not to them except for the Benedictine ( i think they can keep all their money)

    8 they can stay wherever they want

    all good questions, stay involved

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