
A girl that I now?

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I no this girl my mum and dad no here and she has a kid whos 4 and hes in to everyting he screems if he can not have his own way. he knocks our phone of the wall got a pole and just missed the fish tank in our house. This girl whent to see her mum at a hotel and her kid screemed all the way there and all the way back he let the dog out so it would scare the guests off. and he slams doors in our house. Her kid even hits her.and if my mum says stop messing he finds if funny because he likes getting told off. how can this girl cope with her kid?




  1. Has she had him checked out by a doctor for a possible mental disorder?  It almost sounds like he may be autistic.  If there is no problem with him other than stubbornness, being spoiled, mean, or being let to do whatever he wants then he needs his little @ss spanked.  Your mother is right, if he continues to act this way he will probably be in prison one day because he obviously has no respect for his mother much less any adult or authority figure.  If his mother doesn't get control of him now she will never be able to and how 'cute' will this behavior be when he is 14?

  2. the child is just acting out=for some reason, the child feels that it is not getting enough/lack of attention,  when ever ur not around this girl, what does she do behing close doors, does she read to the child?sit n play? or ignore the child? or yell?  It looks like the kid needs a form of trainging.  When he goes out in public and needs to be shown respect to elders=You dont have to hit on the child, but know when mommy says something she means it, and the mom needs to stand ground, not let him do something n she yells and lets him get away from punishment, whether its time out, for his age, or taking away something he really likes, and let him known, when u act out, and destroy others house, u make mommy feel this way, and for that i will take away this.

  3. spank him

  4. Tell her 2 discipline her child.
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