
A good story beginning.?

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Ok well I have to write a stupid essay thing for school and it's suppose to be a short love story. I suck at writing and am already falling behind in language. I kinda had a plan to do it like the book twilight, where a vampire falls for a human, but the vampire is half human and loses his powers during the day and stuff. I can pretty much write everything but the beginning. Any help?




  1. try to make your answer something catchy.. can start it with a quote from a famous romance or anything...or the location and time that the begining of the story takes place

  2. "The rain beat down on the windowpane..."

    "It was a dark and lonely night...."

    I usually start my stories with a description of the setting, or even one of my characters.  

  3. "Once upon a time..."

  4. Guy/gal walking his/her dog, all the sudden dog sprints away, out of breath guy/gal catches up to dog seeing mysterious stranger playing with it, thanks and leaves mysterious man being well...mysterious.

    then he can pop up later in the story towards the lovey part.

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