
A great vegitarian meal plan?

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im the only vegitarian in a family of five.

i dont know what to eat while they eat there normal meals.

p.s. i still eat seafood.

but i need some tastey meal ideas.

p.s.s. i only thirteen so nothing icky.




  1. Beans are good and very high in protein.

    Try making your own salads, sandwhiches ( without meat of course ), basic vegetables, etc.

    Don't feel iscolated from your family's meal time because you have a different diet plan. Also, you can eat anything they eat as long as its not meat or geletain. If they have pizza, just take the pepporonis off and your fine. Or spaghetti, just without meatballs.

    Vegetarian diet sound difficult at first, but its really not all that hard when you know what you CANT eat;)

  2. This is what i make when i am cooking for myself...

    Tofu stir fry:

    tofu (or sea food)

    veggies ( carrots, broccoli, red bell pepper, bok choy, mushrooms. i dont use all of them i only use about 2 veggies...)


    take a coffee mug and fill about a 1/5 of it with soy sauce add 1 tablespoon sugar, and fill the rest with water.... and some corn starch....

    The recipe changes every time i make it.... but if you use tofu first make sure to fry the tofu with oil and then remove it from the pan and add it back in once veggies are done.

  3. How are we supposed to know what you consider icky? I consider eating meat icky. I haven't met an icky veggie dish yet.

    Try this website -

  4. Three-bean salad is something that has good protein in it, and is a normal food everyone could eat.  Summer's coming; you're going to want some cold-food options for picnics and stuff like that.  Three bean salad is great for that.  

    Macaroni and cheese made from scratch (not that boxed-mix junk) has plenty of protein in it without any meat.

    If you still eat seafood, tuna noodle casserole should fit the bill.  Frozen green peas are great in this, by the way.

    Bean and cheese burritos would work.  You can even purchase them ready-to-heat.  That way, if everyone else is having a meat dish, your mom can just heat oneof these for you.  

    Grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup, possibly served with that three-bean salad.  

    No-meat chili even comes ready-to-heat in cans nowadays.

    Spinach quiche or spinach lasagne would work for you.  

    Try to help your mom as much as you can, if she's already having to cook for four other people.

    Garbanzo beans (a.k.a. chickpeas) in your salad will add protein to it.  

    As a growing and developing teen, you need to be very careful that you are getting a balanced diet that includes plenty of protein.  Your body needs it right now.  Try to get some protein in your snackfoods.  Bumps on a log (peanutbutter spread in the groove of a celery stalk with raisins on it) would work well for a snack, as would a hummus spread with crackers.  Edamame is another good munchy snack that's fairly good for you.

  5. I'm a vegetarian as well and I always make sure to eat Lot's of protein because that's what is given to us when we eat meat, you can try things like peanut butter on vegetable sticks, and pasta. toodles! :)

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