
A lame question..?

by  |  earlier

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i just ordered a pasta and a drink from pizzahut.

the total was 17.30

but it included sales tax plus delivery fee..

before all of that, it was 13.90.


should i give the delivery person a tip?

if so, how much should i give him?




  1. I never tip because the food is so high to compensate for that.

  2. you should always tip unless the person was rude! i always tip the thats how they make money $2 is good

  3. Always tip.  $3-4.00 would be nice.

  4. I would even it out and just give the delivery person $20. Especially the way gas prices are right now.

  5. Well it's not are lame fault, that Pizza Hut and pretty much ALL Pizza delivery places charge such a high delivery price, that I don't tip. Sorry..

  6. delivery means gas money. gas means expensive. therefore yes. a tip would be nice...and really who doesn't need some extra karma points. um just a couple (2 is good, 3 is better)

  7. i would say give him a dollar

  8. I always tip delivery people the same as I would as if I were in a restaurant sitting down to have dinner, which is normally 15%. If they are extra nice, ill make it 20%. This is how they survive and most of the time, they don't get the delivery charge. So in this case, I would round it off and say $2.75.

  9. definately!  that is the main way that delivery people make money!  maybe 5 dollars, or four

  10. Well, I think you should give that delivery person 1 dollar 25 cent.

  11. They included a delivery fee? I wouldn't tip.
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