
A magazine job?

by  |  earlier

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I want to work for Vogue or a magazine like that. What type of things do you do if you work for a magazine. I want real answers. Please dont say " y do u want to work for vogue if you dont know what to do". Just real answers. THANX.




  1. be a good editorial and study for journalism

  2. uh

  3. Take courses in journalism, creative writing, fashion design, marketing, computer, copy-editing.  Try getting an internship at a local magazine and learn as much as possible while you are there.  Experience, education, and skills are a winning combination that will help you in getting the "gem" of a job at a national magazine (i.e. Vogue, Seventeen, InStyle, etc.).  Good luck!

  4. study as a journalist! (if you want to be editor)

    thats what im going to do when i go to uni/college.

    becasue if you study journalism

    oportunities will come up

    for you to be a writer in a magazine.

    if your still in school try your best at essays and stuff.

    if you want to have a fashion part of the magazine you

    should study up on the most fashion you can.

    but to work in a magazine you always will need

    skills as a writer.

  5. it's great

    happy make friends join in:

  6. Just like the others said, pursue a Journalism course (or maybe something related, such as Broadcast Journalism/Advertising). It'll do you good in the long run. You'll get to network with your fellow journalists. Who knows you might be able to launch your own exclusive magazine in the future? =)
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