
A man works into a bar....?

by  |  earlier

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go on finish it off.




  1. You either mean:

    A man works in a bar


    A man walked into a bar

  2. always go on and finish it off.

  3. And shouts, OUCH!.........Its a steel bar.


  4. W O R K S into a bar ???????????????

    *** OfF pRiCk

  5. and goes straight to the loo, transforms into a panda, then goes and takes up a stool at the bar, asks the barman for a pint and some carrot sticks from the kitchen, the barman obliges and gives the panda the goods.

    When the panda/man has finished, hes climbs off of the stool, then very calmly pulls out an ak47 assault rifle, shoots all the bar and windows up, then whilst the panda is walking out the barman yells thorugh sobs, ''what the h**l did you do that for!'' the panda says look for a definition of me in the wildlife dictionary....

    the barman grabs one from a customer, underneath panda it says ''panda.....eats, shoots and leaves''.

    hahahahahahaha, best answer!!


  6. works? a man works into a bar?

  7. and says to the bartender, the drinks on me. So the bartender pour his drink on him.

    A man walks into a bar and asks, "how much for a peg of Johnie Walker blue label?" The bartender says 25 cents and makes him a large. The customer drinks it and asks for a vintage Moet & Chandon champagne. The bartender gets him couple of glasses and charges him 30 cents. The customer is really pleased. He shouts the whole bar drinks on him and that too the most rare and vinatge liquor. The bill comes to $4.25. The customer is rather curious so he asks the bartender if he is the owner of the business. The bartender says 'No'. He asks then where is he. The bartender says,"he is upstairs with my wife". So the customer asks 'what is he doing upstairs with your wife?

    The bartender replies ' the same thing that I am doing to his business.'

  8. how bout no. i dont want to think right now.

  9. and then asks himself "how does one WORK into a bar?"


  10. ouch!!

  11. A man walks into a bar, sits down, and orders a drink. The bartender gives him his drink, accompanied by a bowl of peanuts.

    To his surprise, a voice comes from the peanut bowl.

    "You look great tonight!" it said. "You really look fantastic - and that aftershave is just wonderful!"

    The man is obviously a little confused, but tries to ignore it.

    Realising he has no cigarettes, he wanders over to the cigarette machine. After inserting his money, another voice emits from the machine.

    "Who let you in here? Did you check the mirror before you left the house? Get away from me, you oaf!"

    By now, the man is extremely perplexed. He turns to the bartender for an explanation.

    "Ah yes sir," the bartender responds. "The peanuts are complimentary, but the cigarette machine is out of order."


    A man walks into a bar and hears piano music. He looks at the piano and can't see anyone sitting there, so he walks over and discovers a foot-tall man standing on the piano bench playing away. The man thinks this is strange so he goes over to the barman and asks where the little bloke came from.

    "Here," says the bartender, handing the man a lamp, "rub this."

    So the man rubs the lamp and out comes this genie. "What do you wish for?" asks the genie.

    "A million bucks," the man states, quite sure of himself.

    "Granted." And the genie claps his hands and disappears back into the lamp. The man looks around, checks his wallet but can't find a million bucks anywhere. Just that moment, a million ducks fly through the bar. Astounded the man says:

    "Hey! I didn't ask for a million ducks!"

    "Do you think that I asked for a 12 inch pianist?" replies the bartender.


    A man rushes into a bar, orders the four most expensive 30-year-old single malts in the house and has the barman line them up in front of him. Then without pausing, he quickly downs each one.

    "Whew," the barman remarks, "You seem to be in a hurry."

    "You would be too if you had what I have," the man replies.

    "Why, what do you have?" the barman asks sympathetically.

    "Fifty pence."

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