
A miscarriege or just an infection?

by Guest61444  |  earlier

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I have a bleeding but I also have being really irritated down there so I'm not sure if its the pregnacy or an infection i might have I seem to get yeast infections when im pregnant. I already called the doctore they suggested to go into the hospital but I have had a miscarriege before and its horrible when i go into the hospital just to get out of there and have lost the baby anyway. Any information on any experiences similiar please let me know. thanks.




  1. If the doctor says go then go!  You wouldnt want to put your life in jeopardy. Good luck

  2. If you have had a miscarrage before, it's even more likely for you to have another one. If the doctor told you to go to the hospital, GO TO THE HOSPITAL. I know it's annoying when you go and they can't help you, but the longer you wait, the more likely that will definitely be the case. Why take chances when it comes to your baby? Go to the hospital. Even an infection could turn into trouble, so PLEASE do as the doctor suggested.

    I hope everything turns out okay for you. Good luck.

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