
A new Board Game?

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i have to design a new board cannot be too expensive. any ideas please? it will be very helpful and appreciated!




  1. That's a pretty vague question. Is there a theme you need to stick to? What age group? What type of game?

    If you expect a meaningful answer, at least give us some detail.

  2. Uh, Your question kinda needs some detail... but i can make it work. Uh, maybe a theme, like mix up your favorite board games into one. Scrabble + Operation + Sorry! + Life + Trouble... I have no idea how your going to do something like that, but its the thought that counts, right?

  3. Board, dice, pieces to move around board, a theme, luck/chance cards, etc...

  4. There are some simple games played with dice. You would just have to figure out a "scoreing" method that works for you. Simple dice games are best. If you can stay away from a board and tokens you will save lots in development and end cost. Packaging can be reduced to a tube with one sheet explaining rules. Games like liar's dice, farkle and such come to mind to build off of. You could go with Liars dice, twist it with a middle group of rolled dice that everyone can pick one die to add to their hidden roll. You could also make each persons dice color cordinated with 1 single die that has a "wild" aspect. You can get vast numbers of dice online cheap, one amazon page has 200 dice for less than $20.

  5. Get a bunch of figures from games like Risk and Axis & Allies and make like a super war-strategy game.  Just design a board w/ a lot of territories.  And u'll need a story line.

  6. Make it a sports themed game like Life but where you have to choose a professional sport and then try to get all of the awards and money and records.  You move pieces around and attend events to try to earn awards, records, and money.

  7. I have a simple idea..  create a new game with just a standard set of Checkers. It's a challenge many designer have attempted.. and only a handful IMO have resulted in playable games.

    Check out the game Lines of Action. It's played with a standard checkers set.. and is far more challenging and enjoyable than checkers.
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