
A new pet

by  |  earlier

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well, i want a new pet(i'm not sure if my mom will let me though). and anyways what should i get? it has to be like $20 or under if anything it can't be a dog or a cat (first of all i already have a dog and a cat and second they would be too yeah i have had a hamster before but he died =( so i was thinking of a hamster to get. but i dont know please help




  1. hermit crab ,fish ,turtle  

  2. what about a turtle or fish?

  3. Fish. Here is some info

    Ideally your fish should live in an aquarium, But a large bowl is a possible home, too. Daily food and a clean home is about all a Fish needs. Bowls will need to be cleaned once a week. Fish like to live in groups of at least two. Grooming is not a concern for Fish owners, and fish food is easy to find and inexpensive. Fish make exellant first pets because they aren't to expensive to buy and the responsibilities aren't to great. Pet fish don't usually live all that long but you can certainaly develop a relationship with one-or two! You might even develop the skills needed to maintain a large aquarium!

    amanda s

  4. get a gerbil! they are easily trained to do agility and to stay on your shoulder and stuff plus they dont smell as much as hamsters so you clean there cage like once a month and they live longer than hamsters, mice and rats.

    they are cheaper, they dont need that much space but if you love it you'd obviously buy it as big a cage as possible. mine has a glass, 2 level gerbilarium but i cost around £60

  5. I'm not sure how expensive it is but a snake could be fun
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