
A old rich guy told me!!!?

by  |  earlier

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If I cut his grass he will give me $150,000 dollars. He told me he has a mansion with a 100 yard field. Should I believe him? Or could he be a serial killer trying too lure me?




  1. think about it

    if you were some old rich guy would YOU pay 150.000 dollars

    for someone to cut your grass

    WOULD YOU i dout it

    so he will probably kill you but you should go find out and if he is telling the truth and you mow it you should give me 30 percent

  2. wat d u think??

    hu d h**l will give 150,000 us dollars

    for cutiing grass???duh!!

  3. umm you should go over there with your parents.  and have them figure things out and have them watch you mow the lawn. the guy is old as u said sooo maybe he is just confused or trying to get rid of his money so it doesnt have to go to the goverment when he dies GOOD LUCK

  4. if he was willing to give that much away wouldnt he hire someone properly

  5. Hey, woah i think this sounds really dodgey, im sure that someone who would pay that much for thier grass to be cut and who lives in a mansion would hire a professional to cut the grass for them! :(

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