
A physical exam questions guys?

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i just had my first full physical exam last week... it was much more detailed than i thought! after the normal checking my doctor then checked my package, he was like holding my p***s in one hand and use the other one to squeeze my balls! is this normal? i've never been touched by another guy like that! i'm 17... any similar stories you guys want to share? thanks!




  1. I never had a doctor touch my p***s, even when checking for hernias.

  2. Just making sure that you're all in one piece and developing properly.  I wouldn't be concerned.  Docters for the most part don't enjoy that part of the exam so you've got very little to worry about.

  3. Yes its normal,he squeezed ur balls to check for testicular cancer.

  4. Completely normal.

  5. that's pretty standard in a physical..idk y they do it, they jst do. dont worry

  6. Thats totally normal, especially since you are 17. Men 18-35 have the most risk of developing testicular cancer. All doctors examine a p***s to see if it is developing properly or if the skin and shape is normal. When your doctor squeezed your balls, he was probably looking for lumps. Abnormal lumps can become tumors, leading to cancer. It was all to your benefit. You can perform a self testicular exam easily. It is best done after a shower, since your s*****m is more soft and loose after that. Just roll your balls to see if there are any lumps.

  7. Sounds rather norrnal, the doc was looking for possible cancer of the testicles. That is fatal if not caught early and treated.

  8. your completely normal having your d**k and balls touched is normal for a guys physical

  9. That is a normal examination.

    He is checking for a hernia down there. He shouldn't have squeezed your balls though. He should have just been pressing on the area right next to your balls and asked you to cough.

  10. Try going through that with about forty other guys along side of you with their briefs around their ankles waiting, for the Dr. to give that part of's totally normal buddy........... ;)

  11. yup just fine

  12. My uncle is a doctor and i was job shadowing with him he asked the patients permission for me to be in the exam roon for the exam because it is a law or regulation the patient was in a hurry and he just signed the paper really fast and didnt read it and when my uncle asked him to drop his pants he was a little reluctant but then i said im a guy and my uncle just gave me my  first exam in front of another guy from my school and i said everything that happens in this exam room stays in here and he pulled his pants off and i watched and took notes and i thanked the patient for letting me observe and he said i didnt know what i was signing but he said your welcome he was young like 24 years old and i am 17.

    It was very odd but kinda comforting to know that my uncle was giving me my first  psycical/anal exam but it was nice to know it was my uncle and not some regular doctor.

  13. Lately, I have run into so many guys your age group who say they've never been touched by another guy.  What's going on these days?  Surely, you've had contact during sports (basketball, football, soccer, swimming, etc).  When I was growing up, the boys in our neighborhood all had contact with one another, feeling each other out, checking each other, etc.

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