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Hope's fragile wings flutter against the fall of night,

Which like a cold black curtain captures childhood flight

Of darkened streams of dreams in dreams long since dismissed

By all but those in bludgeoned souls' white cicatrix.

Ah, but I see and sense an area of pure light

Where our dear friendship casts away all shadows plight.

Here we will sit together, warm soul 'gainst one warm

Until, we know as one the world offers no harm

And we will then emerge from our twin crysallis

Into a world which offers us at last the daybreak bliss.




  1. At last the daybreak bliss, for so long has solace often been sought after in the night, which while she offers an austere beauty, can never a manner. This poem is beautiful, full of your usual pathos, but in more of a lullaby, and with a sweeter edge than many of your works carry. I'm not sure which knife I prefer my soul being sliced by...but I suppose I can carry many beautiful scars from your work, Amy. This leaves me breathless, as always. The third line...I find very close to myself. Thank you, and blessings.

  2. I think this poem is enlightening. It's soul.

  3. Super!  You write beautiful poems - this theme especially moved me.  It offers hope of a wonderful world to come.  Loved it.

  4. I like the images of the cicadas in the darkness turning to a world of hope. Perhaps in the third sentence you could use a different word to replace one of the dreams, maybe a synonym ike fantasies or hopes or wishes, and in the second sentence did you mean to say flight or maybe fright, it just seems like fright goes more with the next sentence.

    Keep writing!! =^.^=

  5. This is very cool...and a star for sending me to the dictionary for 'cicatrix.'

    The drawn in area around a scar, or a scar from a lost limb or organ.

  6. it's good I didn't understand some of it though hope i helped some =^..^=

  7. Love it!

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