
A question about 9/11?

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Do you believe that the entire truth has been told regarding the 9/11 attacks against America?




  1. Except for minor insignificant details, we know the truth about 911.

  2. idk

  3. Nope, the entire "Official Version" is only a hypothesis's not even meant to be considered a fact.  So to everyone who mocks us --who want to know the truth one KNOWS anything, and shut it up.  We need a new unbiased Investigation.

  4. no we will never know.

  5. No. Some are kept as top secrets.

  6. No..  People are never told the entire truth .. more like what  they want you to know to support there cause. just think about  the weapons of mass destruction.. that were never found . along with other so called facts that were later proved untrue  ..or just plain made up.. to get the country to back the war.. There have been more solders killed in this war than on 911.. The bad thing in 5 years after  the solders pull out will never know they had ever been there .. it will go back to terrorism as usual.  You can't force change on people... humans will always do as they matter what the cost.. Our solders do what they are told with out question.. I think they should always be told the complete truth.. although many time there not .. that is truly sad. for both side of the conflict...

  7. well...the public hasn't even been informed of everything the government knows about the kennedy one would guess that the public doesn't know the entire situation about 9/11.

  8. Be reasonable. It's an emotional subject and people are very invested in thinking they know what's going on. But come on - what incentive would the government have for disclosing everything? A lot of conspiracy theorists think they know the answer. That's ridiculous. But it's also ridiculous to blindly believe the government, especially about such a big issue.

  9. not at all

  10. Omg I saw a docu about this just yesterday. But the guy nearly nearly convinced me before saying that the US government was behind 9/11 to empower the American economy out of recession. and then he talked about devil worship. But I guess you need to see everything in grey.

  11. We still don't know who is responsible for paying for the planning and organizing of the attack.

    The rest is pretty straight forward.

  12. Do you think the entire truth has ever been told about anything?  If so -- let me know your location, and I will have the nice men in the white coats over to visit you.

  13. I don't believe the "entire" truth has been told just yet but I do believe we know how it happened. There are too many people involved for it to be a conspiracy. Some one on their death bed would have talked by now.

  14. Of course not, we haven't even heard the final truth about the Kennedy assassination. Our government is so corrupt. Did you know Papa Bush was head of the CIA when Kennedy was murdered? The we have Bush Jr. going to Iraq to kill all those people knowing everyone was saying Bin Laden was behind 9/11.Have you wondered why he never went after Bin Laden? Could it be all those personal photographs of the Bush's enjoying the Bin Laden generosity? Makes you wonder.

  15. The basic truth is out, yes.  Knowing intimate details and motives of the planners though is difficult.

  16. everything is possible!!

  17. Not even close.  Popular Mechanics is for fluoride drinkers and Prozac poppers.  Read it if you want reinforcement of the bedtime story you were told from your loving and benevolent government.

  18. This might help:

  19. The entire truth? no.

    Most of the truth? yes.

  20. Of course not.

    There are some things that are better kept as secrets.

  21. I don't know.  Something just smells wrong about it to me; but I think if their was a vast conspiracy, somebody would have spilled by now.  And for something like that to be pulled off there would have to have been LOTS of people involved; lots of planning; and lots of covering up.


    Why is funny because we knew Bush lied and do you think who told us that Bin is bad guy? Bush did. Every election time come Bin tape or video tape show up, who show to us? Bush did. USA spent billion of dollar in sixteen intelligent agencies but Bin our friend is still at large. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?

  23. Not even close.

    The government's and media's version of the story doesn't match first hand reports. The government said they had no idea this could happen, when in actuallity the Russians, British, Egyptians, and many more informed us of the attack. Besides the fact that Operation Northwoods was going on, which was an operation dealing with hijackers flying planes into buildings. Hmmmm....

    Also, it took 80 min to scramble an interceptor. Usually it only takes 2 minutes.

  24. why do people refuse to believe that the terrorists attacked america on 9/11

  25. Obviously not.  The 9/11 Commission Investigation was a white wash.  People unaware of that are too trusting of the main stream media.  The media is complicit in protecting the criminals who either allowed the attacks to happen or were involved.

    Go here to learn about the 9/11 Commission and its investigation

    Those researchers assist us with the problems with the official commission web materials (which has few hyperlinks and the format makes it difficult to analyze the information). They have a mirror of the 9/11 Commission report with hyperlinks and commentary to note omissions and contradictions.  See

  26. 9/11 was not an attack on America, it was a failure of national security on almost every level under Condo Rice and Bush/Cheney, allowing some criminals to suceed..

    It was never properly investigated, the people responsible for security where whitewashed.

    I my opinion Government heads should have rolled after 9/11.

    The public was bamboozled and then let to war. When the first war (Afghanistan) wasn't doing well, a second war was started.
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