
A question about Ex-Lax?

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I took 2 yesterday and nothing happened so I took another 1 and today I had a movement but it wasn't what I was expecting (in all seriousness). I get constipated because I take codeine tablets. What is the best way to relieve myself naturally?




  1. A good Tandoori Jhalfrezi will do the trick

  2. Lots of fruit and as much fibrous veg as you can handle, Weetabix or some high bran cereal for breakfast, and drink fruit juice and water instead of fizzy drinks.

  3.   If you are wanting great results- use magnesium citrate.  It is at wal-mart in the pharmacy area.  It is in a small green bottle and tastes like a salty sprite.   It is better cold.  It is very cheap but effective.  After you get the results you want, take stool softeners with the codeine.  It will help prevent constipation

  4. all bran, if you can eat it, it worked for a friend of mine who'd tried all kinds of potions and remedy's off the doctor.

  5. eat gravy every day fiber and water and olive oil for cooking or ask the codiene doctor  

  6. oh my you took that many and nothing happening too much? thats not good. dont take any more. try to drink prune juice or eat fruits. try a fiber cereal also. if you still arnt, maybe contact your doctor for further advice.

  7. Codeine stops you from going to the toilet, so you might need a bit more of the Ex-lax than for normal constipation.

    When I was taking codeine I took two squares of the ex-lax at night every night I needed the pills.  Also eat lots of fresh fruit and veg, and some bran cereal.

    Dried apricots soften stools aswell.

  8. i know its what they do for horses so i think it might help but try maybe a table spoon of mineral oil before you eat, please check on this first though because i have never done it. its just a thought.

  9. You take codeine tablets because you have pain, and now you have constipation as well, and are taking another medicine to try to help that.

    The problem is your pain, and I'll take a wild guess and say it's your neck or back (true about 70-80% of the time, excuses if I'm wrong.)

    The best way to get rid of your pain is to see a good Chiropractor from an insurance list - it will take about 8-10 times.  You should also get some massage with it, and start an exercise program.

    Best luck.

  10. go for a walk

  11. I was on t3s and codiene for almost 2-3 years because of a medical condition, I hear you. I just used to eat as much grain, and also use stool softners. I tried over the counter remedies...take a LONG time. See your doctor or dentist /or other that are prescribing it to you and tell them and ask what you can do to counter attack the side affects from being on it so long. They will have some alternatives for sure. Good luck~*)-)

  12. Unless you are an addict there are few if any instances when there is any justification for using codeine. I have seen many doctors attempt, unsuccessfully, to justify it's use. Most of the published studies show it it to be a very poor analgesic, though it is often used as a 'co-' analgesic in drugs like co-codamol. In this combination it has for example been shown to add no more than 5% to the analgesic efficacy of paracetamol. It does however, as you so rightly say, produce constipation. It can also produce headache and abdominal pain and is also rapidly addictive. Patients then feel edgy, unwell and may have increased pain, not due to their original problem, but from codeine withdrawal.

    My advice would be to solve the problem by getting off the codeine!

  13. Drink plenty of water this helps flush things through your system. Prunes are a great thing to eat for constipation.

  14. Raisins, peanuts,(lots) carrot muffins,fibre cereal, as a night-time snack. It may take up to two-weeks to regulate yourself, so don't lose hope and stop any type of natural way you choose.

    Best to get off those codeine pills though don't get on some other pain reliever narcotic as they are more addictive than codeine.

    Chiropractors will only make matters worse if it is your back or neck. Stay away from them and get into a physiotherapist for some help on a good regiment for pain relief

  15. plenty of fluids

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