Here is a question, that i'm curious about. I know that they judge you, they are very strict on who gets to adopt children and who don't.....I Know that its like $20,000 dollars straight up to adopt a kid, or at least that is what I heard. I also know that they would rather have you have a husband/wife to adopt. Sometimes if you are rich, it doesn't matter.
On to my question, what do you think are the things that they judge you?
Like lets say you become an author of books one you think that they will judge on the type of stories you write? Like angsty? Graphic s*x? kidnapping? Just because I write that kind of stuff..does not mean i'm into that stuff in real life. I just tend to write sad stories about rape and kidnapping, or bloody vampires, and most of my stuff has gayness in it and LOTS of s**t...descriptive s**t.
I don't have anything finished yet, i'm just really curious. I dont think that is fare, that someone would judge you, not being able to adopt a kid, for that.