
A question about builders?

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Personally, I fear builders working outside on the streets and avoid them whenever possible because from past experience, whenever I pass any workmen working on buildings, sometimes they wolf-whistle at me. They may think it's funny and if you're a man who's also wolf-whistled at women, you may also think it's funny. However, I can assure you that it is NOT funny.

I suffer from a stress disorder and I get frightened easily. Plus, I cannot STAND the thought of men only seeing me as a s*x-obect, inferior, not human. I AM HUMAN and I deserve to be treated like a human being. I have feelings and emotions. I wasn't put here to please men. I was born TO LIVE.

I apologise for my ranting there. I was wolf-whistled at yesterday and it's really made me feel scared.

Anyway, my question is....WHY do builders ALWAYS or at least, sometimes wolf-whistle at women when they pass in the street? Why do they enjoy scaring us and making us feel like objects? Why do they enjoy making us feel dirty and uncomfortable? When they wolf-whistle, what EXACTLY, are they trying to say to me? That I'm a s**t?

In case any guys think I'm going over-board here, I was sexually-harrassed by some men as a child and at College last year as a grown woman, so I don't really enjoy builders whistling at me and reminding me of how frightened I was.




  1. Most of us can just ignore those whistles and go on our way.  I'm sorry for what you have gone through and for the abuse you have suffered.  It is not unusual for you to feel this way with your history.  If this is really that upsetting to you, you may want to get some therapy.  PTSD ( post traumatic stress disorder ) is a common side affect of this type of  history.  There is help out there.  If this is interfering with your life, why not try a few sessions with a therapist.  It couldn't hurt.  And it may just help you.

  2. i think they do it just to let you know you're pretty to look at. I don't think they do it purposely to scare you. They aren't going to jump out at you and hurt you or assault you. I'm sure you being a s*x-object, inferior, not human is that last thing that is going through their head at the time.

    Remember they are males, they process things slow sometimes.

    Chill out. The world isn't there to get you, not everyone sexually assaults people.

    I'm telling you as someone who has been assaulted in the past, seriously you just have to get over it and not let it ruin the rest of your life. In case you're not already doing it, you need to open up to a professional. I looooove my psychologist, she give me great tips on hows to deal with stuff and helped me move on with life.  

  3. You're looking at the world like its revolving around you.  These whistling builders you speak of are nothing more than the male counterpart of a prostitute hollering obscenities.  It really has little to do with you or how you are coming off as.  People in general are trash and paying less attention to it and more attention to your loved ones will brighten ya day.

  4. I hope I can give you some help.

    The wolf-whistle is an immature response to pretty woman. It is an attempt to offend you. If you show that you are bothered or offended, they tend to continue or even get worse. If you show that you like it, they think you are a s**t. There is no way to win. Don't even show them that they are alive and just continue on as if they are not there.

    They are displaying there ignorance for you too see.

    Don't let them win!

  5. A.  They were not trying to frighten you.  B. its not OK to generalize morality through employment. C. Everyone has had trauma in the past, get over it.  

    Nearly every male and female, human or beast spends time everyday trying to appear attractive to the opposite s*x.  Possibly they were only trying to show some appreciation for the time you spent yesterday.

  6. Wait a minute..instead of being scared and feeling abused, you should be feeling pretty good about yourself!  Men whistle at girls as a compliment, not as an insult.  This may be old fashioned thinking, but it is still true.  It is also a form of like to see women get flustered.  Next time a guy whistles at you, give him a thumbs-up sign, smile and say "keep wishing buddy" and keep on walking!

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