Personally, I fear builders working outside on the streets and avoid them whenever possible because from past experience, whenever I pass any workmen working on buildings, sometimes they wolf-whistle at me. They may think it's funny and if you're a man who's also wolf-whistled at women, you may also think it's funny. However, I can assure you that it is NOT funny.
I suffer from a stress disorder and I get frightened easily. Plus, I cannot STAND the thought of men only seeing me as a s*x-obect, inferior, not human. I AM HUMAN and I deserve to be treated like a human being. I have feelings and emotions. I wasn't put here to please men. I was born TO LIVE.
I apologise for my ranting there. I was wolf-whistled at yesterday and it's really made me feel scared.
Anyway, my question is....WHY do builders ALWAYS or at least, sometimes wolf-whistle at women when they pass in the street? Why do they enjoy scaring us and making us feel like objects? Why do they enjoy making us feel dirty and uncomfortable? When they wolf-whistle, what EXACTLY, are they trying to say to me? That I'm a s**t?
In case any guys think I'm going over-board here, I was sexually-harrassed by some men as a child and at College last year as a grown woman, so I don't really enjoy builders whistling at me and reminding me of how frightened I was.