
A question about love?

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I know this is really immature to ask something like this on a public questionnaire, but I need mass answers.

I am in love with my girlfriend. Nobody has ever made me feel the way she makes me feel. I knew she was the one from the start. I am planning to propose, but I just need to know if it is normal to lose some of the feelings that you had in the begining of the relationship as time goes on. We have been dating for 3 years. Please only people who have been or are in long-term relationships.




  1. Well at the beggining of the relationship things are new and exciting. But you have to work hard on renewing those feelings and staying in love.  

  2. Yes it is normal, and only because in the beginning everything is just so new. Because you're basically out of the honeymoon stage.

    Good Luck!

  3. well i have and i loved him like u do u but then he broke up with me and that crushed me go for her tell her how u feel if she takes it the wrong way then thats fine if u dont want to be that fast then ask her do u love me or would u ever say that u loved me and then go from there hope it helped  

  4. i dont think u should forget the things that brought u together

  5. it is normal. you lose some of it but as time goes... whats left turns more and more special.

    good luck when you propose.

    please answer mine ppl!!  ... its kinda the same;...

  6. well i haven't been in a long relationship like that but to answer the question the best way i can is this you been together for 3 years and you still love her more everyday right so probably in marriage i shouldn't change the only difference will be your husband in wife of course you gonna fight and stuff but that feeling stays the same kinda like your love for your parents if you had really good ones you always love them then its the same way in my opinion with your gf  

  7. To be honest love should only grow, If you have lost feelings for a person that you have been with for that long..Maybe take it as that sign to wait and not ask her to marry you and just see if those feelings come back. If they don't iI would really think aboout looking else where for that true love. The kind of love thats never ending. The kind of love that makes you think about that person nonstop  day after day year after year. till you grow old with that person. Remember its alot cheaper to break up then what it is to divource

  8. I know that its defnatly common to lose that "spark".

    I guess if you and your partner still really want to be together you have to find a way to make the chemistry return. Couples i no have gone on a romantic holiday for example and it either made them closer or made them realise that they just wernt ment to be.

    but yes it is definatly normal

  9. it is normal. but its just because you need some things to spark it up again, but don't worry, as long as you two are still in love everything is fine.

  10. Feelings always change within years.  For my husband and I in the beginning, he couldn't keep his hands off me, and everytime we kissed I felt aroused and as if I could fly.  We were friends for 8 years before getting together though.  But we've been married almost 2 years now.  He still makes me feel wonderful and our love is still so strong but the feelings and the things we do with or for each other in the beginning are no longer there.  It's a part of life and everyone goes through the changing process.  Don't worry so much about it and as long as your happy with your gf then go on with what you think is best (purposing)  I'm happy to know someone else is happy.  best of luck to you

  11. It's normal.  That gushy feeling does go away.  It's all about commitment.

  12. i am a year and a half deep into the a relationship with my first love.

    and we definetly have lost that common spark.

    but that doesnt make me want him any less.  

  13. well i don't think that your feelings fade, because i believe that if you are truely IN LOVE with someone, you can never fall out of love with them. i think that you just get more comfortable, and get used to having them there for you. its kinda like you don't realize what you have until its gone.

    for example: the things that bother you the most about your other half . . would probably be the things you would die for them to do again if they ever left you.

    i dont' know if i really answered your question, but i think those feelings are just feelings of comfot  
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