
A question about masturbation?

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Ok I have a couple of things to say:

1- Ok when I m********e, I can't get an o****m. I think I'm about to, but I'm not sure cause I've never had one. It feels like my body is tensing up for like a second then it goes back down...then it tenses up's wierd. But I've never has an actual o****m cause 1- The pressure is way too intense. It feels kinda wierd and I cn't handle the feeling of it so I stop in the middle. or 2- It takes too long and my hand gets really tired lol. So what can I do about that?

2- And also, afterwords I feel like such a dirty person. Like...I don't know, I was brought up to believe that Masturbation is wrong and that you should wait until marriage to be pleasured in that way. So afterwards I feel really guilty. What can I do? Please help.

I'm 17 years I just too young to do it at all?

I'm not the type of person to be like addicted to s*x and all but lately I've been really horny...all I think about is s*x. I can't get it off my mind. And since I'm a virgin, it's even more difficult.

I've never felt such a desire for s*x before...what the h**l is wrong with me!?




  1. Get your self a boyfriend and have the real thing.

  2. thats so sad! but i know how you feel. well I wasnt brought up like that or anything but i have that proble once in a while I just feel like wow.. i shouldnt be doing this. but, thats not the case. Ive been doing it since beroe your age so your not too young. in fact your doing yourself a favour by pleasuring yourself it will take away the desire to have s*x before marriage if waiting is really something you want to do. there is nothign wrong, I dont know a single girl that doesnt do it. and yea, you have to relax. feel it out, so to speak, go slow your body will tell you when you hit the spot. dont know if youve heard of this or not, but the bathtub is a great place to have some fun. im not going to elaborate  much but if you get a little close to your faucet while your filling up the tub, or if you have one of those removable shower heads, yea.. not that id know.. hehe, ive just heard...


    i know

    its really nice

    try it

  3. The Big O - The more you think about it, the less likely it is to happen. Relax.


    It's so interesting because boys are practically given lessons on what do and we girls are made to think it's bad.

    Enjoy it!!

  4. when you get an o****m, you feel kind of a 'pulsing' feeling inside your v****a. you will DEF. know when your having one ;)

  5. I can't speak from experience in this (being a guy), but I believe you're hitting what's called "plateau" which is the nice high state you hit just before you go to an o****m.

    I would recommend getting a vibrator as soon as you hit 18 when you can buy one (it doesn't have to be insertable, just something that'll stimulate the clitoris) . It'll keep your hand from getting tired. I'd suggest these: as they aren't obviously a s*x toy (in comparison to some others.

    As for the guilt, try to use your own logic to get rid of those feelings. No amount of us here on the web telling you that it's natural will prevent you from changing your mind. Use your own brain to reason the guilt away. But to reiterate, yes it's natural to m********e, no you don't need to feel guilty.

    At 17 you should probably be feeling horny, and you are not too young. Technically speaking your s*x drive should turn on at a similar time to your first period.

    As for thinking about s*x all the time, that's your libido kicking in. It's probably strong because you haven't gotten to o****m and you're sexually frustrated (see point #2 about the vibrator).

  6. I think I need to answer #2 first.  A lot of people believe that masturbation is wrong.  Now you need to decide what you believe.  It's a perfectly normal, healthy thing to do.  At the very least it will release that sexual energy.  At best, you can't get STDs or pregnant from masturbation.  

    I wouldn't be surprised if part of your difficulty reaching o****m has to do with this guilt that you feel.  You have to let the feelings take you.  You said your hand gets tired and that makes me wonder exactly what you're doing.  It doesn't require that much movement so you shouldn't get tired.  

    I suggest you dip a couple of fingers into a little bit of oil (baby oil, veggie oil, whatever) and start gently rubbing yourself.  Your clitoris is right at the top of your p***y.  It's just a little button.  If it hurts at first don't rub right on it, just rub around it then as you go try rubbing it again.  Experiment and see what feels best to you.  Once you've been doing it a bit you can slide your fingers up inside yourself to get more lubrication on them.  Go back and forth, penetration is wonderful but it's more likely to be your clitoris that will give you the best orgasms of your life.  Learn how you like to be touched so you can tell the future man in your life.  

    While you're doing all this you need to be thinking about something that will turn you on.  If you're thinking about the tv show you saw last night or something you'll have a lot of trouble, try thinking about a guy you like or whatever it is that makes you horny.  

    Your muscles will start to tense up as you get closer to o****m, keep going and let it take you to.  All the muscles in your abdomen will start to spasm and the feelings are amazing.  It's all over your whole body really.  Enjoy it and later when you decide to be with a boyfriend or your husband it will be much better for you.  You'll know what you like and you'll be able to relax and get into it.  

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