
A question about my teeth???

by  |  earlier

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I have braces

the kind that are kinda see thru colored

but umm neways

i brush my teeth at least twice a day

when i wake up and before i go to bed

well my teeth dont look yellow but they arent white.

they are kind of a dull color

so why are my teeth this color??

how can i make them pearly white with having braces???




  1. how long do u brush ur teeth? try 1 minitues of brushing sometimes blood comes out but its the bad blood like the bacteria so when u see blood its fine yea i had yellow teeth then i tryed brushing my teeth for 1 minute and it worked! but then i got lazy so i do 30 sec now :[ so now i am trying to brush it for a minute

  2. well definitely do what the guy above me said,but make sure you also brush the way the ortho told you to like under your braces for the bottom,because if you dont you will have white spots on your teeth where your braces were when you get them off! i havent gotten mine off yet but i am soon

    so yeah i hope you get you teeth better looking :}

  3. if u dont get them cleaned/whitened reg.

  4. well they came out with this NEW teeth cleaning instrument called a "tooth brush" and what you can do is squirt some of this jell-like substance called "toothpaste" on the "bristles" of the "tooth brush" and scrub yo       teeth. it works like a charm for me.

    p.s. dont swallow the "tooth paste"! it may induce vomiting*...

  5. It's hard to keep your teeth clean with braces.  Have the orthodontist show you how to brush next time you have an appointment.  Also, you should be flossing with threaders and using superfloss around your braces.  Then rinse with mouth wash.

  6. Pl check these remedies.

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