
A question about vo. tech???

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im a freshman, and when im a sophmore i plan on taking vo. tech. do all schools offer this? or is my school all alone? im gunna probably take mechanics... is this a full year thing?or is it only a semester?do you have to take all the other junk in school if u take spanish,science,english,algebra, and all that garbage.)

what all does vo. tech offer?

thx a ton guys.




  1. All schools have an adviser. Go to him or her, as the case may be, and ask your questions. Even a mechanic need math and English.

  2. Hey i go to bluemountain school. im guessing you do too. anyways i never took votech but its for half a year. and during the other half of the year at school you must take the english, get the picture. but its all more fast paced because they are trying to make you learn all the stuff that takes a year, into a half of year course.

    hope you liked the answer! im shelbee by the way! not sure if you know me hahaa

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