
A question for R&S regulars....?

by  |  earlier

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I've seen a lot of people with new accounts in the past few days....including myself. Did the Yamster go on a Suspension frenzy? How many of you had an account deleted this week?




  1. Footz,

    I have not lost mine but I have had a few reports on mine and I have someone who continually gives me the "Thumbs-Down" no matter what I write and say.  I am sorry that you have lost another account.  There are a number of youngsters on here who seem to have nothing better to do.  By Youngsters I do not mean "teens", I mean "newbies" who are not secure in their place here yet.  Have a good weekend and a great week to come.





  2. I lost mine yesterday

  3. Not yet, but if I keep on the way I'm going, I don't doubt that it won't happen soon.

  4. My last two questions were not shown.

    Maybe I'm due to be deleted?

    Edit:  Make that three questions!

  5. No, no new account... stupidest violation notice ever though.

    Do you ever just "lol" at the reasons people report you?

  6. I think there a few bugs in and out of the system.

    Plus some people do like to report others whose only crime is to disagree with them.

  7. Everyday. I push the envelope til they get me. This is almost as much fun as the old "YAHOO COMMENTS" was. d**n, I miss that !

  8. Ive had 2 go down.

    BadBeast, and GoodBeast.


  9. I've lost a few, but not for a very long time. I expect this one to disappear soon.

  10. I've never had a suspension - only really stupid violations

  11. I haven't this week, but I haven't really been around this week.

    But I think two of my accounts got together behind my back and started breeding.

  12. A resurrection is inevitable.

  13. I've had two funerals in as many weeks but the other 6 are alive but waiting to go down one by one as the violation notices abound

  14. I hate the idea of "Contacts" and "Fans."

    If one of them cops a 'tude about you, they will gang up and mass report.

    That is what gets you suspended.

  15. Nope.  I've been lying low trying to avoid the sweeping axe that the Yamster wields.

  16. No not my account but Violations yes!.

  17. My question was deleted yesterdy so i feel ur pain. But i have noticied what ur talking about. As long as u and the others keep coming back all will be good...

    GO atheist Power!!! AARRGHH can't kill us we just multiply!!  

  18. I've never had an account suspended.

  19. three or four weeks ago for me :(

    But I am fully resurrected now and back to full strength

  20. The Yamster has gone over the edge.

  21. It's never happened to me...

    EDIT:  GEE, I wonder who thumbed me down for saying so?

  22. Not yet, sorry.

  23. No suspension, but I got a violation and they sucked 11 points from me. Yamstards.

  24. There seems to always be a suspension frenzy going on, however, luckily it was not me this time.....

  25. Never had an account deleted.

  26. Try two!

    I've had two suspended this week alone - and over the past six weeks, I've had umpteen suspended! And I don't know why as I'm never abusive to anyone else in this forum.

  27. Nice evolution.  

    Purple looks flattering on you.  really makes your butt look small.  

  28. Think I am next..........grrrrrrr

  29. I did not lose mine  yet.

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