
A question for any Bathurst locals

by Guest56664  |  earlier

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i'm thinking about going ovre to bathurst next year to study paramedics at uni... and i wanted some background info before i woved if anyone that lives there or has lived there could you please answer a few questions?

1. i've heard there's jack when it comes to jobs out there... how hard is it to find work... like even just part time work at coles or something

2. whats charles sturt uni like?

3. what are the people like out there? (personality types, main nationality, main intersts, etc)

4.whats there to do there?

5. is there any caravan parks or communal-like living areas there, incase i don't live on campus i need a cheap place to stay where theres other poeple i can get to know that live heaps close..

any answers will be greatly appreciated... thanks heaps to anyone who answers




  1. Im not from Bathurst but I know people who go to uni there.

    1) I go to uni in a small country town too and can tell you jobs are usually pretty hard to find. There's thousands of uni students all after jobs. You just need to put it applications and be persistant and youll get something eventually.

    2) Everyone I know who goes to CSU loves it... but really I dont know much about it.

    3) ?

    4) Check out this link for things to do in Bathurst:

    5) If you dont get an campus accomodation then you could always look through real estate for cheap one bedroom flats or look for shared housing with other students. The student boards on campus are a great place to start, students usually put up flatmate wanted signs.

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