
A question for guitar players.?

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Does it ever annoy you that people think guitar playing is all super fast noted and whammy bars, even though half of them don't even know what a whammy bar is?!?!?




  1. It would probably annoy me a bit, but I havent talked to very many people who really think that.

  2. A lot of non-guitarists just assume stuff from Guitar Hero since it's so popular now, and yeah, sometimes it does get annoying. Slow guitar music can be really pretty.

  3. Yeah it is kind oif Bull. It's really stupid. I know some people who think that and you just have to set them straight or else it is going to give someone an idea about guitar that really isn't true.

    Dude, you person who said: Here all all of these sites to answer your question hope it helps. stop copying and pasteing. I have seen three answers like that from him exactly and I've only been on for like 5 mins.

    C ya

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