
A question for male school teachers?

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what would you say to a year 10 student who had a massive crush on you ?

and how would you tell them what your feelings are on the subject

would you let them down gently

would you just ovoid the


real serious responses plz




  1. By no means am I hot or anything, but I deal with this all the time.  Many of the young ladies I teach do not have adult male figures in their life and so they lock onto any older male who shows them attention.

    I make occasional jokes to my classes as a whole about how teachers get in trouble these days and how inappropriate that type of relationship is.  I also make sure that my department chair is aware of any little nicknames that are floating around about me or what have you.

    I would never address it directly with the student unless the student brought it up and asked me to respond.  Even then I would basically just say that I know that being a teenager sucks and it is a confusing time and all that.  I'd let them know that I love them, but in an appropriate manner and try to move past it.

  2. I think it would be best to ignore it and have a talk to someone who is above you and inform them of the situation to cover yourself, also they maybe able to advice you on how best to handle it.

  3. HI, I know you asked for male teachers to answer this question but, i would mention this to the head of department, and see what he/she advises, i would not say anything to the student as they could get upset and make a mountain out of a molehill. Just ignore it until you have spoken to head of department/ year.

  4. you misspelt "Avoid" i take it your a student in this situation?

  5. i agree with charmed

  6. I would ignore it myself as most young people change their romantic interests very quickly and its most likely a passing fancy, an imaginary romantic infatuation for a older/father/leader type figure.

    If it persisted I would and have spoken to my department head to make them aware of the issue and gauge their advice based upon the issue and student.

    Then I would address it only if it were addressed by the student first and explain how I understand the attraction but explain how its not appropriate. I would be respectful at all times during this discussion.

    Under no circumstances/morals would I ever consider acting upon it, being in a room alone with the student, letting myself be placed in a questionable situation, atmosphere, etc..

    When I taught at the university level, I had several female students offer sexual favors for passing grades, A's etc... I refused all and reported everyone of them to the dean. Some were expelled for their actions.

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