
A question on UFOs?

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People either believe in the UFOs or they don't. However, didn't you ever believe in a middle way? Which means there are UFOs which are an alien humanoid species visiting Earth from time to time, even abducting people but having virtually nothing in common with us so different and so much more advanced they are from us. The reason why the army covers up the story is that the latest and most crucial finding about the UFOs is that they are real while we are unable to do anything in regard to our self defense against them. Their presence is meaningless to us 'cos we can do nothing about them at all, we have no way to communicate with them and they are not going to harm us in any way. They are like an inevitable phenomenon of the universe.




  1. I don't believe we have any proof of other life.  Sure, we've found water on mars which points to the fact that life 'may' have existed, but clearly does not exist now.  The vast majority of ufo sitings are military planes on secret missions, or the latest military technology that cannot be made known to the public.  Of course the government will claim ignorance of the device if it is necessary to keep the technology from the public's eye as well as possible enemies.

  2. i respect others opinions, and if aliens do exist well it might be true, who knows.

    the thing is that i dont believe in things that i havent seen or felt. like i do believe in a higher power, because ive felt it in a spiritual way and i have experienced it (but this is a long story), so my point is that ive seen animals, plants, other living things in earth, like weird animals or humans with seven legs and stuff like that, or even weird diseases and malformation of a body, and so on. but ive never seen an alien. my cousin, uncle and i saw a shadow of half a man and bull, from his waist down he had human legs and from his waist up he had a bulls body with huge horns, people dont believe me, but i saw it and very clearly, we couldnt sleep for months. maybe it was an alien or maybe not, who knows. i once saw three ships in the sky, forming a triangle and they just stood there for about 30 minutes, and then flew so fast that it was gone in a blink of an eye, so i do believe there are ship not a human creation. the thing is i saw all this weird things, but i havent seen an actual alien where i can say: hey, i believe in aliens because i saw one. even thought other evidence might relate.

  3. Ok guys come on, some one saying up there that Aliens just here to get High from our adrenaline LOL!! So that means eventually its all about dope in the end even for highly evolved beings lol!!!.... And hey the middle ground is not all that "Top secret" stuff.. The middle ground could be Alien life form on planet billions of light years away from us and maybe just only as evolved as us or even less and just speculating about some UFO coming to abduct them...

            I totally believe considering probability and size of Universe that a optimum state like our planet formed elsewhere cause if it doesn't that would be weird considering the above mentioned probability...But having a highly evolved being and smart enough to do light year travel might just be a far fetched a stuff..But eventually knowledge is all about what you accept and hence everybody on his own....

  4. I was watching this video of this gentleman who had top ranks in some military operation near Roswell. He knew a lot of top secret stuff, and he claims that President Roosevelt signed a treaty with the aliens that allowed them to abduct a certain amount of people per (insert time span here).. Aliens wouldn't torture them or study them, but instead killed them and extracted their adrenal glands because they get high off our adrenaline...?!   The guy was murdered in his house a few years after he went public with his knowledge.

    It sounds a bit far-fetched, but you never know anymore. Besides, what's with all those missing children?? Not all of them get sold into the s*x trade.. so many of them are never found. Pretty creepy.

  5. You are just beginning to grasp the phenomena of UFO, but people like Bill Cooper, David Icke, Phil Shneider, and many more have come full circle. First, you decide to believe that the UFO's are real. Second, you realize that they come from outer space and they have intelligent beings on board. Third, you realize that the government knows, and has known, of their existence since at least 1947. Fourth, you find strange that the government seems to immediately (within minutes) recover crashed UFO's as if it were their property. Fifth, you realize that the government and aliens are working together  and that the UFO's and aliens are actually from Earth and are capable of traveling to outer space and capable of interdimensional travel. Sixth, the so called "Aliens" are Reptilian beings that can perform interdimensianal travel and are the Gods of ancient Summaria, Egypt, China, Australia, Africa, Mayan and of Cultures all over the world. Seventh and last, you clearly see how the worlds elite are descendants from these Reptilian beings and that is why they have the right to rule. Then you will find that all the major powerful figures around the world are related. The UFO phenomena is only the tip of the iceberg.

    P.S. The guy that Christina is talking about is Phil Shneider
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