
A severe sleep problem....?

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My son has a really bad sleep problem. He is 7 months old and only sleeps 4-7 hours at night. He takes absolutely NO naps during the day. My doctor won't do anything about it. He thinks I'm making it all up. I'm worried because he's tires and cranky all day and occasionally (like 2x a week) dozes for like 2-3 minutes during the day because of exhaustion. A friend suggested a few drops of children's Nyquil. I'm hesitant to try it, but not sleeping isn't good for him either! Any thoughts on the Nyquil or other suggestions?




  1. active babies like yours only sleeps less.. 4-7 hours of sleeps is okay with them as long as they're eating and playing.. babies will eventually go to sleep when they are tired. your doctor is not worried because its normal.. dont give him any medications without doctor's approval!!

  2. You should try laying with him for a few minutes and wait for him to go to sleep be care ful not to go to sleep try to turn down the volume  

  3. do not use nyquil. are you sure he's getting enough to eat? my daughter did that when she was less than a month old. Adding cerial to her milk helped tremendously. I would also seek a new doctor. He may also be teething. Try giving him infant tylenol or motrin and teething tablets, see if that helps any.

  4. I would seek a new doctor before trying nyquil! He should NOT be blowing you off but trying to find a reason for this lack of sleep. Something could be making him uncomfortable.

  5. He really doesn't sleep at all during the day?  So he only sleeps 4-7 hours total each day?  That does sound serious, and you should see another doctor who will actually listen to you and try to figure out the problem.

    Nyquil is for illness, not to be used to make a baby sleep.  See another doctor.

  6. try  scheduling his naps after feeding time and see if that will work, if not he will probably grow out of this as he gets older.

  7. Get a new doctor.

    Or you could keep a log of how often he sleeps, how he acts, things like that and show it to the doctor.

    I have a few people who don't believe me on how my son sleeps so I've been recording him and will be showing those people next time I see them.

  8. Its ok. Im 15 and go to bed from 2-5 and wake up at 10-11 =)

  9. You really need a new dr.  This isn't normal, and i feel really sorry for the two of you.  You must be so tired.  go to a new dr.

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