
A simple question..?

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I'm sorry this is going to sound so ignorant but I was wondering why you fast for 30 days during Ramadan. One of my friends is and I meant to ask her but I forgot and I am still curious.

I am really not trying to make anyone mad I just have no idea about it all and would really appreciate some answers.




  1. Hi! =)  No worries- your question is not offending :)

    We fast because Allah (God) has told us to do so.

    "O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you..."(2:183)

    And by 'you', Allah means to the Muslims, the people who obey Allah's commands and submit to wills.

    "...fasting is prescribed for you (Muslims)..." (2:183)

    "...whoever witnesses the month of Ramadan should fast through it..." (2:185)

    Also, fasting during this holy month will help us attain piety.

    "O ye who believe, fasting is prescribed for that you will (learn how to attain) piety" (2:183)

    Ramadan is the month of mercy, and we fast and pray to Allah in hope that he will forgive us for our past sins and will keep us on the straight path.

    Take care

    Thanks for asking :)

  2. You don't sound ignorant at all. There's nothing wrong with asking questions about something you aren't familiar with.

    Well, Ramadan is the month when the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad through the angel Jibril (Gabriel). During this month, the gates to h**l are closed and Muslims can concentrate on faith and on things that truly matter...not money, our wordly problems, etc. We give up food, drink, marital relations, etc. from sunrise to sunset, all for the sake of God. By doing this, we show our resolve, faith, patience...we learn how it feels to be poor, we gain greater self-control...and God forgives our sins, large or small.

    It's just really a special time for Muslims and it's somewhat difficult to describe. Hope I helped anyway though.

  3. No that question is fine whats so offensive about it?

    To show our will and patience to Allah... many other reasons too, the month were the Qur'an was said out to Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him

    Its a very holy month

  4. we fast because it is a pillar of islam and it helps us learn how the hungry feel

  5. The main reason is to feel with the poor who starve on a daily basis. This way, the poor would feel like their brothers and sisters share their suffering for an entire month. The entire Muslim nation should be one during this month. I also agree with the first answer; it's to show endurance and patience to Allah.

  6. "O ye who believe, fasting is prescribed for that you will (learn how to attain) piety" (2:183)

    "O ye who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for people before you ..."(2:183)

    ne billion Muslims around the world, fasting, referred to as siyyam or sawm, is one of the five pillars, or essential religious duties, of their faith. Fasting teaches self-control, encourages a focus on prayer and the life of the spirit, and allows practitioners to devote their attention to worship, and draw closer to God !!

  7. Well according to what I learned growing up:

    - It's one of the Five Pillars of Islam

    - It teaches discipline

    - I cleanses / purifies your body

    - It gives us a chance to 'live' in a way that people less fortunate than us do on a day-to-day basis.

    I might have missed something, sorry. :)

    Hope I helped!


  8. Question was not ignorant t all :)

    *To obey Allah's (God's) command

    "O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you..."(2:183)

    *To learn how to attain piety

    *To show that Fasting is the epitome of the five pillars of Islam

  9. its a part of our religion

    and month of ramadan is better than all months

    Allah is so kind  that's why there is only 30 days  

  10. fasting the month of Ramadan is an essential concept of Islam and one of our religion's five pillars, it is a month of 29-30 days,,

  11. to show allah that we will do anything what he want us to do and to feel how poor people feel and how they survive with no food and in olden days people use to go on wars and fights with out eating and how they use to get tired so we can feel it our self and start giving money to the poor people  
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