
A spotty botty on baby?

by  |  earlier

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my girl has red spots on her bottom and right at the top of her thighs. the are just red, no puss, they do not appear to be bothering her - she isnt scratching fussy etc. i use nappy cream when i change her, but they arent going anywhere. the rest of her body is clear, she doesnt have a temp, and is not fussy.

any ideas what it could be or the cause?




  1. Its probably just a heat rash, if you leave it it should clear up on its own. My little man gets it all the time :)

  2. try not using those diapers  

    or the cream

    just let her go naked for a bit

    see what happends

    maybe some kind of soap allergic reaction ?

    my baby had red bumps on her like a rash and i just let her be wthout a diaper for a little bit  

  3. If the creams and sprays arent working or it seems to get worse it could have some yeast in it.  The doctor can prescribe some cream that will take it out fast.  Also, You can use baby powder with cornstarch in it instead of creams and if it is a yeast infection it will take it out in a few uses.  Other than that you should have her checked out if it doesnt get better.

  4. We have been told just to be simple when cleaning baby's bottom, just use warm water and no creams. they could be the problem

  5. Sounds like a diaper rash or heat rash.  A diaper cream such as Balmex that contains zinc should help.  If not, then have the doctor check it out.  

  6. my little girl has this too not like a rash just a few spots here and there, i thought it was a midgy bite when i first seen it but then more showed up i've just been applyin cream (nappy/savlon) and they have reduced

    i don't think its anything too serious but if your worried its best you got it checked to put your mind at ease

  7. sounds like nappy rash to me.. suda cream is great for it.. try to keep it dry if possible... it should heal quite quickly.. if you are particularly concerned take her to your health visitor just to be sure x

  8. I would guess that it is either a heat rash or a skin irritation due to her diapers. If you haven't recently changed diaper brands, I'd go with the heat rash idea. Emily gets small clusters of red dots all over her body when she is hot and sweaty. Good luck!

  9. reaction to something ne, a new crram maybe?

  10. it might be nappy rash, or a reaction to her baby wipes if you use scented ones.  dont put perfumed products on her skin, make sure she is properly dry after her bath before dressing her and use sudocrem on her for a few days.  if it doesnt go, take her to the doctor.

  11. It might just be heat rash. If it is not bothering her then I would not worry. Try leaving her diaper off for 10 min. at a time after you change her. If it does not improve take her in to the doctor. Good luck.

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