
A teacher was...?

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an a*****e to me. he singled me out of everything. he tells me **** like i shouldnt even try in his class because im probaly gonna fail it. he's cool to everybody else, he's like their friends. i tried showing him a picture and he told me to kill myself. he calls me a drug addict, even thoug ive never done drugs. instead of taking two seconds out of his busy life to say hey to me in the hallways, he just shakes his head at me. how do people like this even get a job in the school system?




  1. Is that for real?????????? Thats not good. Talk to a guidence councellor for another perspective and advice.

  2. REPORT HIM. I've had teachers try to make me want to kill myself, but they've never said it outright. Man, do you ever have a case!!

  3. if you are doing poorly in his class maybe if you show some effort he will change his mind. work harder in his  class. you should also tell a staff member like the principal or councelor. maybe even try talking to the teacher. he might say sorry, maybe he is having some personal problems.

  4. the teacher may be a jerk... but, you may be exaggerating too.  maybe you should try to switch out of his class.  seems like you both have problems and are not a good match.

  5. If what you are saying is true and the whole story you need to contact your schools principal and discuss this issue.  A teacher should NEVER be allowed to treat a student this way.

  6. Again, it's your word against his. The principal will not believe you. Take a different class.

  7. He is a jerk off, or thinks you don't try in class.

    Go to your counselors office and get out of his class.

    And transfered into another.

    If the counselor won't help, see your Principal.

    Skip the VP just to the head in charge.

    I had a teacher like that too. But I got into a fight with another sutdent and I got kicked out from the class.(the other student stayed) Then 2 years later, I had him for another class.. and he still didn't like me.

    But at this time, I didn't like him either. So, it was a mutual thing And we got along ok. He still gave me lousy grades, but he knew that I knew he was a jerk off.

    If you choose to stay in his class, get to class early, don't talk to him unless he says, something to you.  And if he makes a rude remark to you in front of the class. Just stand up, tell him he has no busy to talk to you this way, and walk out.

    Go the office and tell the school counselor you won't go back to his class.
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