
A tribute to my friend...?

by  |  earlier

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His right hip gives away and then his left and then he is down on all fours from our morning walk...a very short distance.

I am always patient for my friend because he has always been there for me.

And so, I will always be there for him

I realize his body is wearing out and he is emaciating but his face is still so youthful...his little eyebrows and eyelashes. But, oh, the sparkle in his eyes..they are there!!

He's not ailing from anything, just getting old.

I dread the day when he must really go but I know he will be at peace. I'm not crying for him but for myself. He has been such a true and devoted friend.

I often wonder if I could find that in people.

The category? I put it in family and friends. Pets just didn't seem to give him enough tribute.




  1. Aww, i know how you feel i had a German Shephard and her hips gave way on her............She is very sadly missed..........x

  2. Aww!

    That's So Sweet.

    Is There Any Chance He Can Get Better?

    If So Im Crossing My Fingers For You.

    I'm Sorry. x

  3. It seems you have an all weather friend. He is there for you come rain or shine and if it is wet he carries an umbrella not for him but for you and id it is sunny he does the same not for him but for you to give you shade in the heat of the day.

    As for how long this friendship will last. It lasts beyond our mortal realm. He will be there for you in spirit if not in corporeal form to tell you that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Remember that. He will always be there for you.

  4. There are loyal people but they're rare. Our pets love us unconditionally.

  5. Walking is not all its cracked up to be when you're gettin on. My friends dog Bailey is blind, stupid and his legs give way at any hint of enforced exercise but left to his own devices in his own space he's happy just bumping into familiar stuff.

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